Thursday, April 8, 2010

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might seem surprising I explained in my article "Cures Toreros " about hobbies clerical bullfighting (you can read in ), and the related disagreements with church authorities. From his reading could be inferred that such a love just taking root among village priests, novices and seminarians.

But despite what might seem surprising that as contrary to prevailing practices in the Holy Catholic Church, which decreed several papal prohibitions against bullfights, trying their total abolition in the Christian kingdoms also the birthplace of the Roman Curia made many runs or bull fighters, as well they were known in Italy, "where he ran too, but enmaromados and dogs, and still be seen in Italy as quoted by D. ;...", Nicolás Fernández de Moratín in his "Historical Letter" (1775).

same author, as work continues: " and could not be less than this mess and run over, the fatality which happened in Rome in 1332, when they died on the horns of bulls many commoners, nineteen Roman knights, and nine others were wounded, unfortunately that is not true in Spain as the cattle much more fierce. For this event is banned in Italy that year . "

The parties referred to Moratín occurred in times of Pope John XXII (1316-1334), who instituted the famous " Court The Roman Rota "in Rome, although it is fair to point out that this pope was never in Rome since his papacy passed entirely the seat of Avignon (France), which was the papal see the duration of the so-called " Schism."

Despite what he says Moratín, the clutter in most of the festivities, Roman and English, caused more than a cleric denounced the excesses that occurred in these events, as review Father Pedro de Guzmán in his book "Real of honest work and idleness damage" of 1,614, saying: "Unfortunately current is shoot the bull a stick and nailed on the head or chest is in the stage. "

For several authors have knowledge of several bullfighting celebrations in the Vatican himself.

One of the occasions where the bullfights were held in Rome was once the English Pope Alfonso Borja, known as Callistus III (1455-1458), member of an influential family of Xativa and very fond of music of bells, to the point of order, as Pope, every day of the year, at midnight, all the bells were ringing their bronze melody. That " festive mood" of the Pope, together with their Hispanic roots, leads us to assume that it is also likely to order the holding of a bullfighting festival on the occasion of the canonization, the newly elected pope, his countryman St. Vincent Ferrer in 1455.

also bullfighting celebrations there are references to the time of Pope Innocent VIII (1484-1492), who allegedly helped Christopher Columbus in the discovery of America, and is known to solemnly celebrated the "conquest of Granada " (whose exploits gave to Queen Isabel and Ferdinand the title of "Catholic Majesty ", after whose distinction was known as "Catholic Kings ). We assume that, because of these two anniversaries, the bullfights be part of the festivities planned.
After stage venality and nepotism of Innocent VIII, go to the papacy other English, born in Xativa, famous or Borji Borja family, to be exact, named Rodrigo, who took the nickname of Alexander VI Pope (from 1492-1503, was elected pope when was bishop of Cartagena-Murcia 1482-1492). His dissolute life and his ambition knew no bounds and its relationship with such a licentious Catanei Vannozza were born several children, including Cesare and Lucrezia, with which the vulgar say that after an incestuous relationship with his father, had a son called as the infant Roman. " To his credit, a faith not seem to be a welt, which was opened by the "Santa door of the Vatican and commissioned Michelangelo's famous Pieta sculpture.

During his reign there were several bullfights in the Vatican and one of them killed two men. Apparently one that stood out as bullfighter great skill was his own son Caesar (named by his father Bishop of Pamplona at 16 years and he was inspired Machiavelli to write his book "The Prince "), whose exploits some stelae were erected outlining their achievements, as he related what happened in the run on June 24, 1500, held behind the Basilica of San Pedro and that "... foot faced with a rag and a short sword to five bulls, reaching a separate head of them in one fell swoop . "

These festivities of cacco di tori, "as they were known in Italy, continued the successor of Alexander VI, Julius II anti-English (1503-1513). The patron of the arts, like most of the popes of the Renaissance (which was commissioned to build the current St. Peter's Basilica and Michelangelo's fresco "The Last Judgement "), also with three illegitimate daughters, continued the custom of bullfighting hold despite :"... or deep hatred felt the Borji -who fought fiercely, or antipathy to Spain prevented the continuation of a genuinely held by English custom and introduced by the Borji . "

known Another event happened on Monday was the Carnival of 1,519, and referred to Father Julian Perez, a Jesuit, making it the "History of the Popes "J. Pastor and says, "... it celebrated a great run in the Plaza de San Pedro (the current plaza was built later between 1656 to 1665, by the sculptor Bernini), to view Leo X (1513-1521, who created the "Monte de Piedad " loans and that excommunicated Luther), in which by the way died three poor men. I paid for the Pope's splendid costumes and the bullfighters missed Petrucchi Cardinal times that for one of these suits for the bullfighters, he would pay up to 4,000 ducats, runs and more runs were continued to hold in subsequent years, although not always, much less to the English way, but the Bulls gorge Testaccio (an artificial hill made from the rubble of clay amphoras broke there for centuries, most of which came from Spain, containing oil, wine and the famous garum "of Cartagena and Mazarrón, a fish paste marinated in brine, famous since the days of Roman rule) armed and waiting for the riders that fly in his mad flight with as little grace as Cruelty. " The same happened in the race held at the Capitol, at the time of that Pope Leo X, in the carnival of the year 1520, which killed two men.

In this regard, on ways to celebrate anarchic, Father says Regatillo on "Canon Law Cases , II " that " countless people crowded into the typical Navona Square to watch the fight, without any barrier fence no more than what they are unarmed bodies the crowd, you will understand how brutal and reprehensible such spectacles. "

After the break imposed by the Sack of Rome in 1527, the Carnival to be held again in 1536, with the popular parcticipación, in which: " was slammed against the car Testaccio loaded with pigs and a bullfight in which they hurl thirteen bulls, which were then torn apart by a two-handed sword knights who expected in the fall. "

Another party cacco di tori was available to the Pope Paul III in 1539 (which called the Council of Trent, one of the most important Catholic Church, which approved the founding of the Jesuits), to celebrate the betrothal of Octavio Farnese with Margaret of Austria, better known as Margaret of Parma, natural daughter of Emperor Charles V, who as you might assume were coated with the more sumptuous and decorating.

Many continued to hold more runs in successive years in which there was no shortage, with bullfights, running via del Corso, which he attended as a spectator Julius III (1550-1555), which, for fear of losing the papal prerogatives, closed the Council of Trent.

" In 1556, French poet J. du Bellay could still watch a bullfight in the Roman Carnival, which prompted him to write three sonnets, which met in his book Regrets, where he sang the fate of the Swiss ... "says Flores Rill.

Eleven years later, the death of Julius III, would come the famous papal bans on bullfights. The first try was Pius V, who ordered the governor of Rome, which prohibited, under penalty of death for those who do not comply.

Indeed Salute and the Bull of Pius V Gregis in 1567, or Exponis Nobis Gregory XIII in 1575, and the Short Nuper siquidem of Sixtus V in 1586, They became real impact in Spain, for several reasons. More than that already belongs to another subject, that may develop on another occasion.

Plácido González

- Luis del Campo, "Toros Pamplona. XVII century "
- Vargas Ponce," Dissertation on bullfighting "
- Luis del Campo" Church and the Bulls "
- Julio Caro Baroja" The summer holiday "
- Francisco Flores Rill, "Running the bulls in Spain"
- P. Julian Perez, SJ "The bulls before the Church and the Moral "
- Urban Pellón Esteban," El Toro Solar
- Father Joseph M. March, SJ, "Reason and Faith"
- Julio Gutiérrez Marqués, "Bullfighting in three times "