Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Personalize Your Own Volleyball Spandex

then share 50 core questions that will surely in a selection interview. While it is always advisable to be spontaneous, it's good to know what we can get to ask.

  1. Who knows about us?
  2. do you want to work for us?
  3. has to offer?
  4. What do you love the job?
  5. you looking for in a job?
  6. Because you left your last job?
  7. What do you think of your last employer?
  8. What do you like most about your last job?
  9. What do you dislike?
  10. Tell me your top 5 most important achievements

  11. Comentame solving a problem you've recently
  12. 're creative? Give me examples
  13. Describime your personality Tell me 3 strengths and 3 defects
  14. Dame examples do you think you have the strengths and weaknesses you mentioned
  15. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  16. What are your career goals?
  17. have you done to achieve these goals?
  18. What you can do us that no one else can?
  19. you prefer to work in groups or individually?

  20. Why should we hire you?
  21. What were your major accomplishments in your previous job?
  22. Tell me some unexpected problems you had in your earlier work
  23. What do you think you learned in your last job?
  24. If I speak with your last boss, what things you think he would say about you?
  25. We have a story of your life where something successfully solved
  26. If you were in charge of making the selection, what qualities would you like me?
  27. You consider yourself a leader or follower? Why?
  28. What was the most important decision you had to drink?
  29. That people irritate you?

  30. If I return back in time, that issues relating to your job or career change?
  31. do things to consider when postularte for a job?
  32. What things have you marked your life?
  33. People generally trust you? Why?
  34. What things bother you now?
  35. What things to expect from this work that you have not obtained in the above? Because
  36. abandon your previous jobs?
  37. you think that your previous employer to hire you again? Why?
  38. As you get on with your work colleagues?
  39. What kind of boss do you prefer?

  40. You tried to conduct a business or venture on your own? What happened?
  41. What motivates you? Money, success, social recognition, the difficulties?
  42. belong to any club or organization? The
  43. receive in your last job?
  44. What are your current financial claims?
  45. Why change jobs so often?
  46. Why did you have so few jobs?
  47. honors or you're high on something?
  48. Why study what you studied?
  49. Why not pursue a career?


Monday, December 21, 2009

Speeches 60th Birthday Party

interview questions Tips to build your CV! Vacation

In this article we share the results of a survey conducted by the American Society HR Managers, where managers of very important things companies say that they like a CV and what not, which prefer CV model and more!

A group of 85 HR managers importates U.S. companies have participated in a survey which inquired about how to be a "perfect CV." The survey was conducted by the American Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM, for its acronym in English) and Laboralis has had the privilege of accessing the results, which we share then we hope will be useful!

+ 77.6% said a search to sail in places where people can upload your CV such as zonajobs, boomerang, etc.

+ 68.2% said they prefer to receive a resume via email.

+ Regarding the file extension, 95.3% said they would prefer CV in Word, and 51.8% said he also likes receiving them in PDF format (the question allowed multiple responses)

+ CV type of HR managers prefer? 50.6% said they prefer a chronological CV type, while 27.7% said they preferred a combination of chronological and functional. 16.9% said that the type of CV did not care.

+ Resumes for positions in lower ranks, 32.5% said he likes people to express their goals in their CVs, while 42.2% said it was not necessary, only matters that it is well written.

+ 47% said that a CV should not exceed one page, 21.7% said they may exceed one page and 31.3% said the number of pages does not matter.

+ should be presented on high quality paper? 33.7% answered yes, 50.6% have no preference, only 4.8% said it is not necessary to submit a CV with a high quality paper and 10.8% said they would not matter because only handle so Resumes electronics.

+ 77.1% said that the applicant must specify whether an organization has participated in community service or similar.

+ For hobbies: 18% said they should be included and 48.2% said they should be included only if they relate to the work to apply.

+ 56.6% said they should include the average, 13.3% said no and 30.1% had no preference.

+ 49.9% want to see extra curricular activities in the CV

+ The 80.7 said it is very important that the email address is professional, ie do not want email addresses as

+ 78.3% said that if the call an applicant for an interview will hear a message "unprofessional" on your answering machine, also continue to convene for the interview but that gives a very bad impression of the person. 9.6% said that if they hear a message unprofessional and desist from hanging summon for interview.

+ 73.5% said that the work history just want to see descriptions such as "short bulleted statements", ie, by way of ticks, as it is being written this article, although obviously very short ticks.

+ The 86.7 To view the listing of achievements in previous jobs.

+ The employment history must go back to 10 years later, held 32.5%. 61.3% said that older works may be mentioned that 10 years but must be related to the position you are applying.

+ What is the most important in a CV? 65% said the most important thing is both presentation and content, ie not only care about the content area or presentation, but both issues.

+ That is what makes a CV stand out from the rest? 97.5% said that it is easy reading and has an attractive design.

+ What things can be discarded automatically make a CV? 94.9% said write errors, 75% said it is difficult to read and 87% said they have a questionable or inconsistent work history. (The question admitted multiple responses)

+ It's okay to call an applicant to see if your resume was received? 41% said yes, while 33.3% said that people hate to do that.

+ Finally, 48.7% said it is okay to call the applicant to see how is the selection process after a few weeks if you do not hear of it. In this regard, 80% prefer that this consultation is done by email. On the other hand, 20.5% said that people hate to do that because if you have not heard then you have not been selected.

That's it! We hope this information is of value and is helpful in making your Curriculum Vitae. If you have not did, I invite you to visit this page to download Models CV!


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Duffel Bag Washing Machine

Here we look at everything about the holiday arrangements, to be: how long corresponds happens if the employer fails to grant, its accumulation, conditions for the enjoyment of them and their cash compensation among others.

The LCT in Article 150 stipulates that a worker shall have a minimum continuous period of paid annual leave from:

a. 14 calendar days if its age does not exceed 5 years. B.
21 consecutive days if its age is greater than 5 years but not exceeding 10. C.
28 days calendar if your age is above 10 years but not exceeding 20. D.
35 calendar days if your age is over 20 years.

To calculate the age for the purpose of vacation, seniority is calculated that the worker would be December 31 this year.

To be eligible to enjoy the holiday in the periods specified above, it is necessary to have work, least half the days of the calendar year, computing, for that purpose, those holidays where the employee served. Also, are also considered working days, those days in which the employee does not enjoy being served by a legal license or conventional, being affected by illness or accident the defendant or any other causes which are not attributable to it , according to art. LCT 152.

When the worker is eligible to enjoy the time limits set forth above, ie has not worked, at least half the days of the calendar year, will entitled to one (1) day off every twenty (20) days of actual work, where to post the actual days of work applies the same criteria above.

Licenses must begin on a Monday or the next business day if Monday is a holiday. This requirement applies to all workers regardless of their age.

While generally in practice the holiday period is usually coordinated with the employer, the law stipulates that it will decide the same and should 'notice of forty-five (45) days at least. And, the period enjoyment must be between 1 October and 30 April next year, unless the administrative authority, the nature of the activity, authorizes its execution at another time of year.

important thing to note is that you lose leave not enjoyed. The law expressly prohibits compensation because the purpose of these is that workers enjoy an annual period of paid leave and continued to preserve their mental and physical integrity. The only exception in terms of financial compensation is compensation for vacation not enjoyed due to the employee upon termination of the relationship, whatever the causal to the motive, which includes the salary for the period of rest corresponding proportion as the fraction of the year worked, not the total rental due, and that, precisely, vacation not enjoyed are lost.

For this, and to safeguard the integrity of the worker, the law empowers him to take vacation, reliable notification by, in case you have not been reported at the time of expiration of communication (45 days before April 30), so re-entering the employer's orders before 31 May.

Finally, some brief points:

Remuneration for vacation must be paid in advance, ie before the start of the enjoyment of them.

If both spouses are serving the same employer, it must provide both holidays together, provided this does not affect the normal development of the farm.

can only collect 1 / 3 of the previous holiday period, which is necessary for an agreement of willingness on both sides. This accumulation can be used to extend the term next vacation or special leave accumulated with, to be: the birth of children, marriage death of a spouse or partner, parents, siblings or children; study.


Friday, December 18, 2009

Resetting California Pak

Suspensions, warnings and reprimands

In this article we will explain everything related to disciplinary suspensions, the warnings and warnings, so you know what your rights and the remedies accordingly.

One of the rights that the Labor Contract Law gives the employer is the disciplinary authority. The spirit of the LCT is based on the disciplinary measure has the correct order conduct that is an educational sense and not merely punishment.

Thus, to a lack commented on by the worker and attentive to the magnitude of it, the employer may decide to impose day suspension. The length of the suspension will always be proportional to be commented and during these days, the employee should not provide services, being also on fallen will be deducted from your paycheck.

The day suspension limit the employer can apply is thirty (30) days within one (1) year, which begins to run from the first suspension. Arriving this number of suspensions to the employer holds the option to terminate the link, in principle, with just cause, but it is important to never exceed this limit because otherwise it will be the worker who may be considered dismissed. For

that after teint (30) days of supensión the employer can dismiss a just cause, we must say that is just as well in principle. Fittingly, the justice who will rule on whether or not there was just cause. This is because the employer, as sometimes happens, decided to administer suspensions indiscriminately and malicious criteria so as to reach these trein accumulate (30) days and to dismiss with "just cause." When such situations arise it is important that the employee contesting the suspensions. Challenge

the law states that the employee may challenge a suspension to be unfair. The worker can attack the suspension questioning its provenance (origin) or extension (day suspension). The challenge must be made within thirty (30) calendar days after notification of the suspension. However, even when workers challenged the measure imposed by the employer, must meet the days of suspension and the same shall also be deducted from your salary.

However, the difference is that the worker not to contest the suspension, you are consenting, that is, recognizes and considers it fair and / or proportional to the offense. Thus, in the event that accumulate trein (30) days of suspensions and employer links and to extinguish the lawsuit alleged, the employer must prove the causal situations and circumstances of each suspension but, to be agreed to by the worker as this is not the challenge, but must show that the applied, ie the letters simply exibhir document that reported the different suspensions. Has challenged one, several or all suspensions, the employer has to prove all the employee committed misconduct, something rather difficult to achieve.

reprimanded and Warnings
We must make it clear that the only disciplinary suspensions are legally established. That is, while it may be beneficial to the worker using these methods of administration of discipline, they do not have the legal effect of the suspensions, which have a maximum period of accumulation and a challenge procedure including .

útlimo To illustrate this, in line the majority opinion of the law, if an employee has 25 days of suspension 10 cautions and warnings 7 can not be fired for "just cause" as the sum of 10 warnings and 7 warnings do not result in an equivalent to 5 days suspension. Again, the only disciplinary suspensions are legally established, if the employer has had a warning or reprimand, the judge must understand the seriousness of the offense was not warranted the application of a suspension and that the employer has opted for a reprimand or warning. In this sense, a person can earn 20 reprimands and 20 admonitions without implying a judicious and fair source of dismissal for just cause, because as we said before the only required legal action is the suspension.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What Does Density In The Lung Mean In X-ray

Contributions Does my employer? Fixed Term Contract

In this article we will see how we can consult, through the AFIP website, if your employer is or is not entering the contributions that holds us back.

To make this consultation, the AFIP makes available a system called My Contributions. This system is basically to see if an employer has entered the worker's contributions to social security agencies concerned. Also, through My Contributions system, we can find out: if the declared gross salary by the employer matches the gross salary entered in the worker's paycheck, if the employer made the payment of employer contributions that apply to you, and if the employer is current with payments to the Labor Risk Insurance.

My Contributions

The system distinguishes between two types of queries: a basic query and a query history. To perform a basic query just enter the My contributions and indicate our number of Cuil. Then appear the information detailed above. However, the basic query has a limitation: only the information of the last year, so if you want to get older data, will require a historical query. The historical type query allows us to access the entire database from 1994, but to do this consultation is necessary to obtain our Fiscal Code. In the case of wanting to do a consultation before 1994 need to attend the ANSES.

Fiscal Code. What is it and how to get
The Fiscal Code is a password that provides AFIP who require it and not only the system used to access my contributions, but for many other procedures. The reason for this password is to ensure the security and privacy of individuals.

There are three possible ways to handle this key: 1. Online reporting a payment, 2. Online reporting the CUIT the employer and the transaction number of early discharge of the employee, 3. Face depending on the AFIP. The details of the collection can be viewed by clicking here.

LCT, art. BIS 132
other hand, the Labor Contract Law foresees in the art. 132 A a penalty payments in the event that the employer had withheld and not paid the contributions for social security agencies, unions, mutual or cooperative societies or any other entity for which the employee must make contributions based on a legal standard or conventional.

This penalty payments is equivalent to the remuneration that the employee was receiving at the time of termination of the bond, and the amount will accrue monthly until the employer proves so reliable have entered the bodies concerned, all the contributions retained.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Best Real Groping Clips

That is the contract fixed term? It means to be hired to run? I belong on termination? This and other common concerns, then try to be clear.

This contract is characterized, as its name suggests, having a certain and specific time duration. Many Sometimes this type of contract is used to prevent indefinite contract, but the law wisely provides a set of requirements for holding the same, that protect the worker against their fraudulent use.

First, we need the written form of this contract and the specification of its duration, but in addition, there must be objective grounds for using this modality. That is, we can not use the fixed-term contract simply because it is, but the task or activity must be justified. Of not having a sufficient reason to use this contract and having concluded, it becomes a time- indeterminado.

Respecto de la duración máxima de un contrato a plazo fijo, la ley establece 5 años pero nuevamente nos encontramos con el requerimiento antes mencionado. Es difícil que tengamos una causal objetiva que justifique un plazo fijo de siquiera 2 años. Asimismo, la utilización sucesiva e injustificada de este contrato, lo convierte a por tiempo indeterminado.


Previo a la extinción, es necesario preavisar. Este preaviso debe darse con un plazo no menor a un (1) mes ni mayor a dos (2). En caso de omisión del preaviso, el contrato a plazo fijo se convierte on indefinitely, unless it is renewed.

This contract has just compensation when it is over-year, and it will be half the usual severance pay. In case of dismissal before the expiry of the period, plus compensation for the art. LCT 245 (if requirements are met), must be paid the wages the employee would have earned if the deadline. Specifically, the letter of the law "... the unfair dismissal provisions before the deadline, will entitle the worker, and corresponding compensation for termination of the contract in such circumstances to damages from the common law, which shall be a direct function of justifying one who claims to have suffered or who, for lack of proof, the court set prudently, for the premature termination of the contract alone .


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Cálculo Del Gradiente De Temperatura

Major companies reveal how much they earn their executives and 2010 slide hikes

A recent study by Watson Wyatt expects the adjustment rate that companies awarded next year and how close 2009. What factors will affect the increases. Who was it that lost more purchasing power. Which sectors are better off to face what next

A little over three months to the end of 2009, companies have begun to outline their budgets for next year, to sharpen the pencil and slide the percentage of wage adjustments that have to be granted in 2010 that at least so far, on economic matters it is quite uncertain.

course, in addition to the increases, the issues that most concern these days employers are low consumption, which resulted in a sharp drop in sales, the difficulty in obtaining financing and, as if To make matters worse, the pressure of trade unions.

And in a context of accelerating strong inflation and loss of purchasing power for the Argentines, both employees and employers are already thinking of how will the next increase.

In fact, in August the basket of the Professional Executive (CPE) developed by the University of CEMA prices rose 1.8% and increased by 16.5% over the same month last year.

And although rates of the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INDEC) estimates that inflation is in single digits, for the next 12 months the majority of Argentines believe that prices will rise by 20%, according to recent estimates by the University Torcuato Di Tella (UTDT). And in the higher classes reach the projected increases to 25 percent.

"According to latest projections, adjustments for 2010 for non-unionized personnel will be between 14 and 16.5%, ahead of the director of the prestigious consulting firm Watson Wyatt Argentina, Marcela Angeli.

Before an audience made up of executives from multinational frontline Angeli explained that most companies are budgeting, looking to next year, between one and three points because they know that, as happened in 2009, will have to negotiate the final number with the parent and complete closing at the same percentage that year.

course also emphasized as the director of Watson Wyatt, there are companies that corporate-wide standard for poor performance or the parent, continue to believe that in 2010 the executive salaries, without exception, will be back in the freezer .

Regarding the criteria that routed the better paid, Angeli said that inflation will be the first place. For some companies will be true for others, the official.

And, based on a survey of HR managers from the study Mayaca & Suarez Battan Asesores emphasized that "wage hikes be more moderate "so" more difficult to retain the internal talent.

Subas 2009 version
The top executives were those who lost more purchasing power this year compared to price increases did not truce.

According to data Recent CEOs perceived an improvement in their basic pay (13 salaries insured without the variable or benefits) of 11% over 2008, while for senior management and middle managers was 12% and for middle 13 percent.

According to a survey conducted by Watson Wyatt, the following are the figures were handled for remunerative levels of senior management of a multinational firm, on a sample that includes nearly a hundred companies of different industries.

"The general managers' salaries are among the least developed. In fact, some companies chose corporate partially implement the effect 'freezer' and he went to the executives of the highest positions in the pyramid, "Angeli said.

At this time of year, between 75% and 80% of firms gave the market and salary adjustments for non-unionized staff (analysts, managers, supervisors, managers, directors and CEO). And, according to estimates by the consultant, the other organizations will do before December.

For this group of employees, improvement in 2009 will be within the range of between 12.5 and 15%. "If I had to risk a number say 14.5%, slipped Angeli. However, he clarified that are averages, as markets are heavily affected by international crisis and recession that caused local increases have not exceeded 12 percent.

Among the most affected, the director of Watson Wyatt said the technology market (IT), while the most competitive in the industry said consumer and pharmaceuticals, which "will about 15% and in some c asos over. "

Meanwhile, oil companies and automakers were among the most delayed their decisions and are only now beginning to make adjustments. Why

increases were
"In 2009, market performance was quite uneven, relied heavily on the industry. This situation was not in 2007 or in 2008, "Angeli said.

However, when granting the increases, employers agreed criteria were used:

* Inflation

* Performance * The competition for the market

According to Watson Wyatt's executive, "this year the price rises again to be a pretty heavy indicator within the three criteria, a situation not seen as highlighted in previous years and will be repeated in 2010." About

saw improvements Based on recent survey of consultant-conducted in 96 companies and 64 were examined executive positions, 62 managers and analysts in person 129 from more than 12 economic sectors in the market There were three types of local settings:

* 57% of companies gave general wage increases and selective. That is, granted an increase As for all staff to recognize the evolution of official prices and in turn arranged for a supplementary budget that distributed selectively, either for performance or because the key positions.

* 28% was limited to give general upload (mainly local groups and some regional companies and not-so-corporate).

* And a third group (15%) gave only selective increases. In this case, some employees left without receiving improvements because although the staff reviewed all ended up giving merit and market value but not for inflation. Thus, sectors such as IT only granted one-off adjustments, as it was one of the most affected in terms of global decisions wage freeze.

What comes
In 2010, when closing the final number of increases, many of the background of this 2009 will not play in favor. Among them, the more weight that will be the loss of real wages and increasing flattening of the wage pyramid after increases achieved by the unions.

"The overlap is again rife and will be deeper than in the past two years," he said Angeli.

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stock index

An individual c and bursáti l corresponds to a statistical record compound, usually a number, which is refl ect the s various price s ne value or average returns actions within it. Generally, the actions tions q ue c or m put the index have common characteristics such as per not belong to the same stock market, have a to ca zed ation similar stock or belonging to a same industry. These are usually used as a reference point to different portfolios such as mutual funds .

Major world stock indices are

  • Asia
    • Nikkei 225 (Japan )
    • Hang Seng (Hong Kong )
    • Kospi ( South Korea)
