Wednesday, March 25, 2009

White Spots Bad Breath


If the data might seem curious that I brought to speak of the flesh of the bull, its use and consumption, beliefs about the reproductive powers of the same etc., No less interesting are also the beliefs in the powers harmful sanitizers were attributed to the blood of animals in general and to the bull in particular, whether it was ingested by humans.
is no doubt that blood played an important role in the sacrificial rites of any class of victims. This vital fluid represented the very life and was banned for use by biblical mandate: "... because the life of all flesh is the blood in the blood is life. So I have commanded the children of Israel: Do not eat the blood of any flesh, for the life of all flesh is the blood, who eats be deleted. "(1), while introducing, in the covenant that God made with Noah, bleed the meat before eating: "Only you abstendréis of eat flesh with its soul, that is, their blood ..."( 2), therefore, anyone who ate the flesh without bleeding was guilty of a series of punishments and calamities, which would be sent by the deity.
Despite biblical threats and evils that could lead to ingestion, the use of bull's blood was surrounded by so many meanings and beliefs as we shall see.
Plato describes in the " The Kritias " how to use the blood of the bull by the kings of Atlantis, when they sacrificed to the sea god Poseidon who, incidentally, is always sacrificed black bulls. With the blood of the bull sprinkled among them, as a ritual cleansing and she was impregnated with a column of oricalco placed in the center of the temple of Pseidón-the-Heraklion, where laws were written Atlantis "... After finishing the sacrifice and devote all parts of the bull, a crater filled with blood and sprayed one by one with a few drops of it .. Then, drawing some blood of the crater with cups of gold ... drank the blood and deposited the cup as a votive offering at the shrine of the god . "(3)

One of the ten kings of Atlantis, called Anthia, it seems that lived in Zamora, where he found a statue of" Tamer bulls, invoking degree with Poseidon. (4)
taurobolium In the rite or sacrifice of the bull, the blood was the essential element in the initiation rites dedicated to the mysteries of Attis, Cybele (the fertile land and mistress of the beasts) and the Iranian god Mitra . In both cases included the baptism of the initiated, or the priest with the blood of a freshly slaughtered bull.
The cult of Cybele was introduced into Rome about 204 BC, in times of general Publius Cornelius Scipio "Africanus (236-183 BC), when in their struggle against Hannibal, the end of the Punic Wars, consulted Sibylline books (It was a mythical and prophetic books of ancient Rome) and they predicted that Hannibal would be rejected by Italy, brought about the cult of Cybele to Rome. (5) was introduced in Spain
its cult of the hand of the Emperor Augustus (Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian, 63 BC 14 AD), who felt a special reverence for Cibeles.
As cited in the library " The last appearance in 2000 in the wall of Barcino, a relief of the god Attis, and dated in the first half of the first century AD by the experts, helps ensure that the cult of Cybele and Attis is present in the city of Barcelona from the moment of its foundation by Augustus in the late first century BC .. "
The ritual was done by the officiating priest, as it recounts the English poet Prudentius Aurelius (348-410 AD one of the best Christian poets of antiquity) in Peristephanon ( Book of the crowns of the martyrs ) .
In the story dedicated to the martyrdom of San Román us taurobolium describes the rite as follows: "The high priest hidden underground in a pit ready to receive his consecration in the depths ... tight head with the sacred ... turban adorned her hair with golden crown, adjusting the silk robe to ma manner Gabia.
with wooden planks placed over the grave built a platform stage, which remains open in many places ... and immediately make slits or hole platform with multiple hits ... bit ... there driving a huge bull facing fierce and bristling, tied with garlands of flowers in their backs or chained antlers, gold also shines on the forehead of the victim and her hair covers the glow of golden plates.
After they have placed there an animal that has to be killed, you open the chest with the knife sacred: the wide wound throws a flood of boiling blood, and on the boards of the bridge below the bull is spilled on torrent blood and expands warmth everywhere.
So for the many canals of the thousand crevices penetrating the blood gush their rotten current rains, which receives the priest got into the pit, exposing his dirty head all the drops, infesting her dress and her whole body .
Moreover, his face lifted up, offers her cheek to meet the blood ... and even his eyes bathed in the liquid ... Then the other priests have been removed from that platform the bull's body out of the pit ... the Pope , horrible sight, his head dripping ... shows his bandages and his clothes soaked in blood drunk.
this Man spotted with such contact, soiled with the venom of the sacrifice that has just consummated, all acclaimed him and worship him from afar, because the blood vile and have purified bull killed while hiding in cave
horrible .... ( 6)
In Merida, there was a temple dedicated to the god Mithras, the third century BC, located under the current bullring, where they do, as we know, the gorgeous and elaborate rites of taurobolium.

There were also temples dedicated to the Phrygian goddess Cybele in various locations throughout the country, like Carmona, Seville, known as the "Tomb of the Elephant ", named for having met in this temple a figure of an elephant, which is the symbol of longevity. This temple is located in the Roman necropolis in the town of Seville, of important dimensions, 26 meters long, which had a patio, almost rectangular, about 150 square meters.
counted as well, with kitchen, dual chamber and three " couches, which were rooms devoted to the ceremonial banquets (where the Romans celebrated a traditional meal on the anniversary of their dead) and the pit where they introduced the priest or novice, to receive the blood of bulls sacrificed in the rite of taurobolium.

The ancient temple is believed to date back to the days of Emperor Claudius (41-54 AD) or perhaps earlier.
Reminiscences of the cults of Cybele were absorbed by Christianity by the syncretism of dances to the Virgin Mary, in which the dancers are dressed in feminine clothes, recalling, in this way, the " Corybantes", "gallus" or "Gallis" eunuchs who were priests who practiced eviración or emasculation, playing the lover of Cybele (Atti, who had been castrated by the goddess to having been unfaithful), and the ceremonies dedicated to the sacrifice of Atti dressed in feminine clothes. To get started as a priest in the cult of Cybele, castrated novices collectively with a flint knife and wore clothes and adorned with beads of a Woman (castration was forbidden at the time of Domitian from -81 to 96 AD, and replaced by death bull). This ceremony will be held on March 24, known as " Day of Blood", since, as climax, was made the sacrificial death of the bull, in the rite of "taurobolium" part of their drinking blood. Examples
dancers reminiscent of syncretism, in honor of the Virgin, we can cite those practiced in Villafrades (Valladolid) in honor of Grijasalbas virgin, or those who dance to the Virgen de Tejeda, in Villa de Moya (Cuenca), the Virgin of the Nativity of Méntrida (Toledo), those of the Virgen del Arrabal, Laguna de Negritos (León) or to end the dancers on stilts Anguiano (La Rioja), in honor of St. Mary Magdalene, and over at least a dozen villages of our country.
Both cults of Mithra and Cybele, it seems, were banned permanently by the Council of Toledo XVII of the year 694, summoned by the Visigoth king Egic (Witiza father) and chaired by Sisberto bishop of Toledo.
The writer Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD) tells, in his "Natural History " in Greece and Rome used the blood of the bull, at once, as poison and as a tonic and also that " ... the blood of a black bull and brave, rubbed in the kidneys of a woman, caused excitement in it special ...". Ojo! That anyone even think to experiment, please!. Posts
to administering medication, this same author also describes a Druid sacrifice associated with infertility cure "... the sixth day of the moon, druids climbed a sacred oak and cut a branch of mistletoe, using for this a "golden sickle ( probably gilt bronze), taking the branch with a white blanket. Then sacrificed two white bulls. " The belief was that mistletoe when mixed with the blood of slaughtered bulls, ingesting the potion cure sterility. (7)
In Egypt, a remedy used to remove the bleaching of the hair, the famous gray, and achieved by means of a draft with the "blood of an ox black, mixed with oil and coat the head " described in the Papyrus Ebers medical. Apparently believed that the properties of an individual were included in their blood. Therefore the ox black color could convey these qualities through his blood, human hair (8).
The geographer Pausanias (s.II AD) relates in his "Description of Greece " the priestess the goddess Gaia (Earth, among the Greeks), before entering the cave to prophesy divine, to the faithful drank goblets with the blood of bulls, as proof of her chastity Ordal, demonstrating that it was invulnerable to sexual temptations. (9)
Another type of use made of the blood of bulls, is found in the ritual of the oath of the Seven Against Thebes allied leaders, described by Aeschylus (525-456 BC), whose sinking ceremony hands in the blood of a bull, collected in the hollow of a shield. (10)
References can be found in the Bible about the use made of the blood of sacrificial victims are numerous and range from the consecration of the altar: " Moses slaughtered and taking the bull's blood, smeared with his finger the horns of the altar all around, and purified, shedding the blood at the foot of the altar, and consecrated him to make atonement for him ...", or used for anointing priests "... then took blood and smeared the lobe of Aaron's right ear, the thumb of his right hand and his right foot ... Took Moses anointing oil and blood that was on the altar, Aspergillus to Aaron and his garments and the sons of Aaron and his garments, enshrining "(11), or even using it as a symbol of partnership," Moses asked young men who blew themselves up bulls ... Moses took half the blood, putting it in jars, and the other half he splashed on the altar ... He took the blood and sprinkled the people, saying: "This is the blood of the covenant that Yahweh with you on all these precepts ." (12). Note the parallels between these passages and mentioned by Plato in Kriti, with variant instead of spilling the blood upon the altar, the kings of Atlantis did oricalco column on the temple of Poseidon.
Another variant is the belief in the appearance or lustral purifying the blood of slaughtered bulls, which was still at the beginning of our era, among the Jews, can be found in the Epistle of Paul to the Hebrews: "For if the blood of goats and bulls and the sprinkling of the ashes of a heifer sanctifies the unclean and gives the meat clean, much more shall the blood of Christ ... ! "(13), and later in the same epistle, the apostle says:" ... But in those sacrifices every year are a reminder of sins, being impossible for the blood of bulls and of goats erase sins "(14). In reality, what does St. Paul in this epistle, not just extolling the virtues of the bull's blood, but old beliefs condemn longer in use, but reveals the existence and permanence, even, of such customs among the Gentiles and categorically rejects.
In the above passages of the anointing of Aaron and his sons as priests, sprinkling the blood on his clothes, as did the kings of Atlantis being sprayed with the blood of the bull of Poseidon, presumably, at least one certain similarity between the rituals and ceremonies performed in the taurobolium, in which the priest, or the neophyte in the initiation rite, leaving materially watered with the blood of the slaughtered bull and thus purified that baptism lustral and bloody. Those initiated by this ritual, through the baptism of the cleansing blood, they benefited from immortality. Another tradition
lustral aspect of the bull's blood and transmission of reproductive aspects of the animal, is found in the custom framed bull in the rites of marriage, which took place in many parts of northern Extremadura geography century until very near XIX. The survival of this ritual is quite old find me for what s already covered by one of the Cantigas de Santa Maria, Alfonso X El Sabio.
The main event was to remove a ceremonial bull slaughter, two days before the betrothal and enmaromado by the horns was taken to the home of the bride. During the trip, the boyfriend was fighting with his cape or a sheet of the furnishings of the couple, with more or less success, trying to rub on the back or the bull's horns these garments. Meanwhile, the entourage arrived at the house of the bride and Burel was tied to the bars of the window. The bride gave the groom a few flags, richly decorated, that is the key to the bull and the blood Manase lustral. Then should try to impregnate the layer or sheet of the furnishings in the blood of the animal, believing that this impregnation blood transmitted bull's reproductive powers to the newlyweds, when they came in contact with these items, thereby ensuring the fruitfulness of the couple. (15)
Another variant, reminiscent in beliefs about the magic of Taurica blood, is found in the village of Rebollar Leon, where they still practice the custom of ancestral character, the day after San Blas (Sa Blasina as call it), where the boys pretend to shoot down a mock bull, made by two men disguised. After slaughtering all drink large quantities ensuring wine is the blood of dead animal. (16) is likely to retain some measure of libation taurofagias reminiscent of those ancient rituals that were practiced in the Dionysian rites.
The mustachioed, anti-taurine and anti-flamenquista Eugenio Noel, in his book "The Capeas " recounts, with a repulsive and nauseating prose, how children, women and elderly, needy and destitute, were stinking tail to the municipal slaughterhouse Madrid, in the early twentieth century, to collect some portion of blood from bull served every day, almost the only food tonic to overcome hunger or kill (17).
In Mithraism, was the belief general vines, grapes and therefore wine, had emerged from the blood of the bull, when he was killed by the god Mitra (18).
therefore not surprising that there are certain agricultural rites in ancient times confined to the "fertile crescent " and the shores of the Mediterranean, which consisted of spraying the fields with bull's blood, thinking to increase the fertility of crops. There may be no apparent connection whatsoever, but similar custom is still practiced today among the Andean people, who spilled the blood work camps of the Flames, while invoking the " Pacha Mama (Mother Earth ) for increase the fertility of their fields.
Overall cattle was regarded as auspicious animals for offerings to the gods, not only for its economic value, but for being the sacrificial victim of greater cultural value, represented by the symbols of power , virility and fertilizing power.
Therefore, in the Roman world, were the favorite animals to be offered to Jupiter and the " Tellus Mater" (a goddess who personified the Earth) in agricultural or fertility rites of the fields, as in the rites called " Fordicidia " or " Hordicidia "(From fordus or Ordus," pregnant cow), dedicated to this goddess. Took place around 15 April to ensure the fertility of the fields and the abundance of crops, slaughtering pregnant cows.
Flores Arroyuelo we describe a legend that goes back in time to the reign of Numa "Pompilio (2 first king of Rome 715-672 BC replaced Romulus):" ... the nymph Egeria (Roman goddess sources and childbirth), Oracle Faunus (a god who had promoted agriculture and animal husbandry among men), revealed Numa remedy to end years of hardship and poverty, concerning the slaughter of a pregnant cow whose blood had watered the earth to fertilize it. This was carried out in each of the thirty curiae (meeting places) that Rome was divided, and at a time as was the spring when the flocks were pregnant and on earth sprouted seeds, and a can act as a magic-sympathetic understanding whereby "a fertile land was offered a fertile victim" in a ceremony that was celebrated with great solemnity in the Capitol or "city of Jupiter," the pontiff (Pontifex maximus) as officiating in the first party that carried out the sacrifice of the animal and removal of the calf of the maternal womb, while the feast was celebrated by the faithful that they ate pieces of cooked meat from the animal, was given the Vestal to In the second part, the oldest among them, home burn in the temple of Vesta to reduce it to ashes ... . " The vestal virgins (priestesses of Vesta, goddess of the hearth), kept the ashes of unborn calves slaughtered, until the arrival of Parilia festival (Festival commemorating the founding of Rome), where they were used for purification to attendees. ( 6)
this regard supporters religious origin of bullfighting is based on certain existing agricultural rites in a vast historical and cultural area, from Japan to Madagascar, " is to make two bulls fight each other and sacrificing the winner, or simply to sacrifice bulls in spring, always with the magical-religious purpose to invigorate the fields with the blood of bulls . (10)
An original custom is found, at present, in the town of Benavente Zamora, hosting the "Fiesta del Toro "day of" Corpus Christi ", where after the bull run enmaromado and after being slaughtered and butchered the animal, girls called "bull brokers, stain your shoes in the blood of the animal, as remembrance of the blood offerings demanded Diana to their priests and Nereids, and the meat is distributed among the young people benaventanos. This ritual, it seems, has its roots in the ancient Dionysian rites. "There is (according to footnote the author of" Iberian mythology "), this party was imported from Portuguese soil, a countess, at which a bull had killed a child, gave an annual enmaromado bull and it was dead . (4)
A legend, like the Portuguese, is what gave rise to "San Juan bull" in Coria (Cáceres), with the variation that each year, by order of the Countess, had to be sacrificed a young man who was chosen by lot those who reached puberty until he was replaced by a bull, whose ritual was described in the article on "L to meat-I bull." In this event, when the animal is slaughtered, the boys spotted their sandals in the blood of the bull, believing that contact with the blood Taurica provides the strength and the fertilizing power and therefore a guarantee of fertility for the couple (6).
But not all the qualities of the bull's blood were beneficial or positive sign as we have seen and therefore could not be without some examples of harmful and dangerous aspects of the blood, as discussed below.
ingestion of blood as a drink was considered in antiquity as sacrilegious as penalized in the Bible, above.
In the world of classical Greece, it was believed that the blood of the bull was a deadly poison for humans, as evidenced by a story in which Aeson (Jason's father and brother of Pelias, king of Iolcus , Thessaly), committed suicide by drinking the blood of a bull, before he killed his brother Pelias.
Herodotus also says that Pharaoh Psamtik III (526-525 BC of the XXVI dynasty), was forced by the Persian King Cambyses I (528-521 BC, son of Cyrus II " El Grande", the founder of the Persian empire of "Achaemenid ) to drink the blood of bull to death. , the case of Themistocles (525-460 BC Greek statesman military and a key figure in the Wars Medical and winner in the battle of Salamis), died, according to legend, by abusing the blood meal bull, but in the Greek tradition was said to be poisoned, that way, not to help the King of Persia Artaxerxes I (465-424 BC), where he had refugee, to attack their country and to be involved in the treason of Pausanias. (16)
say the same thing happened to our king Ferdinand. According to legend claimed that he died on the way to Guadalupe (died on January 23, 1516 in Madrigalejo, Cáceres, when he went to attend the chapter on the orders of Calatrava and Alcantara in the Monastery of Guadalupe), an indigestion drink the blood of a purple or black chestnut bull, although another version said it was for binge of this animal's testicles (9).
An author of the XVI century folklorist, but Mexia, marveled that they had justification for such beliefs any rational when he says: "... how to drink bull's blood kills, and what reason there desto natural, and some who killed her, and how not kill and who was the first who tamed bulls, and other parties and ran for the same purpose ...".( 19)
Finally, repair at this popular ballad circulating among the people of the Town and Court, in the middle of XVII century, which, interestingly, singing the praises of water and blood bull

"Agua de San Isidro
cure fevers, blood of young bull

seeks good legs."

Many more examples could brought here for the sake, but for now I think is enough.
Plácido González Hermoso.
REFERENCES 1 .- Lev. 17, 14-15
2 .- Gen. 9: 4-5
3 .- Antonio García Bellido, "Twenty-five prints of Old Spain, Colecc. Austral-A-181
4 .- Maclug d'Obrheravt, "Iberian mythology." 5 .- Antonio Blanco
Freijeiro, "Hispania metroacos Documents." 6 .- Flores
F. Rill, "The bull in ancient times", and Juan Posada, Weekly report on Athena.
7 .- Miranda Jane Green, "Celtic Myths." Edicc. 8 .- Revista
AKAL VERY SPECIAL n º 33, January-February 1998
9 .- Fernando Sanchez Drago, "Volapié, Bulls and Tauromagia"
10 .- Angel Alvarez de Miranda .- "Rites and Toro games."
11 .- Lev. 8, 15-16
12 .- Exodus, 24, 5-9
13 .- Hebrews, 9, 13-14
14 .- Hebrews, 10, 3-5
15 .- Fco Flores Rill, "Running the bulls in Spain "16 .- Cristina Delgado
Linacero .-" The bull in the Mediterranean "
17 .- Eugenio Noel," The anti-bullfighting Capeas and other writings "
18 .- José María González Stephani, magazine" EL TORO " Club Taurino
1966 .- 19.-But Mexia, Silva several lessons ", 2 ª Part III, Chapter XXIV, published in 1542

Friday, March 20, 2009

Dreadlock Extensions In Ny

and II

Further to the previous article on this topic, many were the forms, treatments and beliefs about it were, by all sides of the Mediterranean, on the excellence of the flesh of the bull, whose therapeutic qualities or genes make a melting pot of beliefs or superstitions.
The extensive content, and ensure that articles are not excessively long, thus preventing reader fatigue forced me to split the topic, leaving for the second part regards the communal consumption of meat of the bull in our Peninsula whose practices fall within rites known as " Charities and limited to religious celebrations, although some examples are already ahead.
Hispanics in the villages used long metal grills and large pots for communal feasts. Some of these vessels used to have a legend recorded in different content, and variegated meanings of any Indo-European influences.
Across Spain meat, slaughtered bull, it was customary to consume at a dinner ritual and liturgy similar to that used by the various peoples of the Mediterranean. These foods, in principle, were aimed at the poor of the place, which became known as "Charities" but later extended to all those attending the ceremony.
Dictionary of Authorities, of 1,726, says, that "it also Charities soda bread, wine and cheese in places, is given to the poor in the feasts of saints by the brotherhood that celebrates party. "(1) Expenses occasioned
such acts were exempt from any sort of taxes, charges or taxes, as stipulated by the law of" New Collection ", which expressly stated:" We sent that Commissioners of the Crusade, or composition, or carry, or charge nothing of what some places or guilds spent their bags in running bulls, or to charities, as they have to vote and send it on custom and it will give the necessary supplies, so that is saved and meet. " (Book I, Chapter X, Act IV, 1850) (1)
In this regard we find the description of an interesting case of votes and " charities" that is preserved among the manuscripts of the monastery of Silos and which forced Roa council of a plague that God had spared: " A January 4, 1374 birth year, facemos et pledge vow to God ... to give and pay in each anno i forever thousand five hundred coppers Desta usual currency, which FACEN ten money the penny. E to pay ... all knights, squires, ladies and maidens, fijosdalgo, lay, clergy, Indian Moors i Desta said town. E desto i said thousand four hundred coppers bulls are purchased and are calendar and given by God's love, the two bulls on the day of Corpore Christi. E fagamos these bulls to envergoñados i cooked the poor ... bread i came ... " (2)

appears that these votes were in place even during the sixteenth century and most of the seventeenth century, despite opposition from moralists more recalcitrant. But despite this, the common people thought that by a vote of this category could even mollify the Divine.
pronouncements were many practices that are contrary to religious authorities and by way of example is worth what happened in the provincial council of Toledo in 1565, where the session III " Reform, held on 25 March 1566 , set out in Chapter XXVI that " vows made to" run bulls "are not met, because it does not belong because of religion, even with consent and oath all the people." Were also available then, not to make similar vows. (3)

Another example of " charities "are those held in Talavera de la Reina (Toledo), known as" the husks "or " Fiesta de los Toros ", performed by fraternities or associations of young men since time immemorial, in the words of Father Marian (1536-1624 and as a curious note, when the Jesuits baptized, it was recorded in the book of baptism " not know who his father or his mother "): "... Societas civium Three hundred years before establishi est ... " ie" consisting of public companies three hundred years ago .. ". There is considerable controversy about the origin of these parties, no missing attribute to which the Roman customs, and even those who say, in the words of D. Luis Zapata, the holidays were celebrated in "templillo a small, dedicated to the goddess Pallas, fabulous deity of chastity ..." on whose temple was built the shrine to the Virgen del Prado, and " there they sacrificed bulls Pallas, here in honor of Our Lady ... are you in three days twenty and two bulls each year, chosen and locked in the Holy shrine ... and in a day, of the party, because everything is based on devotion and love , are fed there two thousand poor, big fun bulls two quarts of wine, two pounds of bread .. " Others argue that these parties appeared in the late fifteenth century and were structured in the early sixteenth century. Whatever it was, the fact is that within fifteen days of celebrations lasting from the same Easter Sunday, the Bulls ran twenty-two chose and provided the City Council, which is locked in a courtyard of the shrine. (4)

Another example of these " Charities" are the party of "Boiler " Soria, held the Sunday after the feast of San Juan, 24 June, at a shrine that some historians say was I Recaredo times (586-601 AD) and was dedicated to Our Lady of the market or White. Julio Caro Baroja, in the "Festive Estio " not s says: " The organization was in charge of the" Common gangs, each of which had to have been there a bull in the meadow Valonsadero. This bull is running, roped throughout Friday and overnight something's Eve that killed Saturday. The spoils are then auctioned. But with much of the meat and other foods prepared with meat cooked large boilers. " Sunday morning crews out with his patron saint, in front of a boy who was carrying a "bouquet " with saffron for the offering bagels and " After High Mass was celebrated with a sermon. Finished it is expected topque bells and when I heard all the contenders were heading to the meadow of San Andrés. There, four young, each Auxiliary crew foreman, had charge of boilers of bull meat cooked with seasonings and were responsible for "to love", with a corresponding portion of bread and wine, both neighbors as strangers and especially to the poor " (5).
say that by 1893 the Bishop of Osma-Soria, with the apparent backing of the authorities tried to ban these parties to no avail, to which the people responded with a ballad am enazante saying

"may lack the bread
and dry off the Duero,
but burns Soria first
if no San Juan parties. "

The conclusion of a run, with a ritual banquet included, was a common practice in many locations throughout the country, and occurred in Calasparra, Murcia, where they held until the decade of 1,950. Pascual Madoz (1806-1870), in his "Gazetteer -historical-statistical of Spain ... "(1845), says it was a festival that" ... checks the other to St. Abdon and Sennen on the last Sunday of August, for beginning this event has run a bull yesterday afternoon (known as "Boiler Saturday), which stewed in a famous caldera have prepared for that purpose, in addition to placing this response, a large portion of ham, peas, eggplant and squash, this operation practice in the most public of the town, and lasts from eve to dawn the following day, at which time the mayors and city council, those appointed by him and clergy, with music that is ready, go through the portion of bread that are prepared in advance, to distribute rations to the poor to reaching the food, there is never enough for everyone, be copious number those who attend everywhere. "(6)

L a feast of San Roque, 16 August is traditionally an important date in which cheered and celebrated with great profusion, these parties, with distribution of the usual charities.
Examples are abundant, like the one held in the village of Siles Jaen, where are several bulls during the festival of San Roque, his employer, and the last day is devoted to a communal feast on the flesh of a bull, previously boiled in a cauldron, embossed with a peculiar legend, near the shrine of the saint.
Elsewhere, almost diametrically opposed to geographically, in the town of Zamora Castrogonzalo " On the day of San Roque, who celebrate with Mass, sermon and steers, it is customary that the City shared between neighbors, the parish priest of St. Thomas, who is in the function is verified, and preacher, a bushel of catfish, trout and one other beef in equal parts, in the afternoon, the bulls run and at night there is usually a feast for the elegant. "(7)
The same author tells us about several holidays celebrated in Spain, that making the " Guide festivals in Spain, 1,982 " M ª Angeles Sánchez, such as those held in Guadalaviar (Teruel), where the party Santiago is celebrated with a meal of meat brotherhood of one of the bulls of the corrida, and Bujalaroz (Zaragoza), during the feast in honor of St. Augustine, August 28, shares the meat of steers dealt. Marquis
In Jerez (Granada), in the feasts of the Virgin of September, lasting from 8 to 12, the last day splitting the flesh of bulls struggled the previous day. That is why one called "bulls Day" and other "meat day."
same parties are also held in "Orihuela del Tremedal (Teruel), but cooked" the shepherdess. " In the same province in Vellel, the "food bull" is carried out, always, in the main festival of Santa Otilia Fuensanta and from 8 to 10 September. In another village
Teruel, Olite, celebrates its feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and Our Lady of Cantal, between 13 and 16 September, ending with the "food cow" in the entire neighborhood eat the flesh of the calf bullfight, and Inheritance (Ciudad Real), also during the celebrations of the Merced, on September 24, eat the meat of heifers, with local wine. (7)

same kind of celebration, as quoted by M ª Angeles Sánchez, and just how to spice up the meat of the bull stew " Rev. " occurs in the province of Teruel Santa Eulalia del Campo, on the Sunday close to August 22, during the festivities of the Virgen del Molino, where people gather in a communal meal.
Also in Benavente (Zamora) is celebrated on the day of Corpus Christi, the feast of "Toro Enmaromado " squirts a bull of that lot by the town's streets. The curious note of this event is the group of girls, young girls, who are behind the bull and are present at the time of sacrifice. When they killed the bull, girls, called "del Toro jackets, stained his shoes in the blood of the victim, recalling the blood offerings demanded Diana to their priests and Nereids. Slaughtered and butchered the bull, the meat is distributed among the young people benaventanos. The Boalo
(Madrid), for San Fermin, no closures, heifers and "Food of the heifer."
In Covaleda (Soria), during the holiday San Lorenzo, on August 12, celebrates a traditional stew "flavored with beef steers, which is delivered on the 13th between the population and especially among the poor.
in La Puebla de Hijar (Teruel) in the festivities of Our Lady of the Assumption and San Roque, 15 and 16 August in the town square bulls are run fireworks and rocks are celebrate and share the " stew and cow ranch ."
In Rascafría (Madrid), the last day of the festivities of the Virgen de Gracia and San Roque, which usually last from 14 to 17, make a stew with beef bulls fought, eating communally in the village square.
In Salas de los Infantes (Burgos) in the festivities of Our Lady and San Roque, from 14 to 17 August, there are tasting zurracapote (bleeding), sire of fire in the main square and the 17th the rocks are move in procession to the poplar grove de la Peña Rota, to eat the traditional " meat stew with potatoes bull", tasting of sausages and a sardine.
In Hoyos de Manzanares (Madrid) on 8 September in the festivities of the Virgen de la Encina, held closures and the "hot stock Heifer" in place the spirit of the heifer, by banning alcohol at parties, and club members shared broth in the stands. During the festival there is a "day of the stew " prepared meat of a bull, which is distributed to more than five thousand people.
In Saldaña (Palencia), during the festivities in honor of the Virgen del Valle, on 8 September and lasting five days, the last day it goes out the "feast of the calf " in the old square.
Also in Ayerbe (Huesca) on September 9, during the festivities in honor of Santa Leticia, there Calderetas Bulls fire and the meat of this animal.
In Height (Castellón) in the Patron Saint, 29 September, the day of San Miguel and La Virgen de Gracia, there Toros drunk and blessing and sharing of traditional "boiler " with the flesh of bulls, which pays the Confraternity of the Virgin. (8)
Known are also numerous bullfights given for the benefit of the hospitals in different cities during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, whose institutions were benefiting from the sale or consumption of meat from bulls struggled. The conclusion of these runs charities and the fate of their profits was in part a subterfuge used to circumvent prohibitions on the run enacted by the Bourbons, whose charity was as varied destination as the English picaresque itself.
As an example, since the relationship would be endless, see the fate that was given to the benefits obtained in some runs that took place in Murcia: " on 7 July 1752, Friday, there were four runs bulls on the site and period between the spill stone bridge and Alameda del Carmen, in order to apply their products to repair as far as possible the damage that does the building of the Malecon, this population only defense against Segura floods. "
The following year, on Monday, September 17, " Like the 18 and 19, were held bullfights in the Plaza de San Agustin and in December there was another run, and both were begging for the work of the Church of San Antolin . " (9)
For these matters were held countless runs, and even to better circumvent bans on bullfights, heifers were organized, as in the pragmatic convictions made no mention of bull run, and reached only bans bullfights. The oft-mentioned
Julio Caro Baroja gives us a case in the capital of the kingdom: " In 1785, Madrid dying father asked permission to have a bullfight in the square that was in the Puerta de Alcala, to rebuild Convent Street Fuencarral with your product. The governor of the Council requested the report, and according to it was given permission to run steers. "(10)
In closing, see the gesture of Mr. Cúchares in a run that held on 9 September 1851 in Murcia, in the ancient square of St. Augustine, whose poster is recorded by a footnote at the bottom of it, that "the dead will bulls donated by Cúchares for almshouses."
As the popular saying proclaims " bullfighting is greatness."
long relationship I hope this has served them entertainment and conocencia the varied folk customs and past treatment since it has been given to the meat of the bull.

Plácido González Hermoso.

REFERENCES 1 .- Julio Caro Baroja "the summer holidays," pag. 218 J. Pereda
2 .- .- "The bulls before the church and moral
CB July 3 .-" the summer holidays, "pag. 4.-July
245 CB "Rites and Myths misunderstandings" p.33
July 5 .- CB the summer Holiday, pag. 6.-July
222 CB "Rites and Myths misunderstandings" p. 75 July 7 .- CB
the summer Holiday, pag. 8 .- 220
Angeles Sánchez "festivals guide Spain, 1982 "
9 .- Juan Torres Fontes," Ephemerides Murcia, 1750-1800 "July 10 .- CB
the summer Holiday, pag. 224

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Street Racing Syndicate From Mediafire


Ángel Álvarez de Miranda
transcribed us a curious story in his book "Rites and Games Toro," which takes apparently M. Curiel Merchan (from his "Tales Extremadura, Madrid, 1944, pag.321-323) who picked him up in Trujillo, Caceres.
Similarly we can see, first, that the principal figure in the story pivot on which the rest of the characters is a bull on gold and the genesic fertilizing agent whose belief shared several ancient societies.
That is the core of the narrative, the popular oral tradition has given us, and that curiosity is transcribed below:

" This was to be a king, who had a daughter, whom a Prince had disgraced and abandoned. The princess wanted her father bought her a gold bull was really like.
The king ordered it, and when they were doing was the princess and said that he did do so hollow, but that does not know anyone.
This made him the bull, took him to his palace and placed in your bedroom. She walked into the bull and there was no outside for several days. As the king saw it and for some time, sent for the whole castle, but to no avail.
few days later came the fouls things to eat, what the king in wonder, unable to find the thief who took them off, never suspecting that the thief was her daughter, who robbed and kept all the stolen bull. Then he began to remove not only things to eat, but all the good he could. For this, and especially not find the princess even though the sought, the king was very upset, very upset and got sick and had to call her son, Prince living in other distant lands.
By the prince and see a big gold bull asked the father to give it to her, but the king, weeping bitterly, told him no, that was a memory I had of her daughter, but when it died would be happy.
At last the King, full of grief over the disappearance of their daughter, died, and the prince took the bull to his home, suspecting that it was hollow and within it was his sister.
Soon to be the gold bull in the palace of the prince began to miss things to eat and all classes, and the prince had wondered who the thief and where they hide, until they thought to take the bull to his bedroom, also were not robársele.
One night, when the princess believed her brother was asleep, left the bull to continue stealing. But the prince was not asleep, he saw her and said:
- Ah! But are you?
- Yes, I am, but do not tell anyone, I do not want anyone to see me or know I'm here.
The brother promised to remain silent and not to disclose to anyone the secret. But after a few days, said he had to go to war, but that it would give orders for them to leave food out things for her to cogiera and not starve, and said:
"Look, sister, I feel long leave, but I will come as soon as possible. When you hear three slaps on the buttocks of a bull, go without fear, that I am, that I've returned from the war.
They embraced and walked away elm prince.

One day they were fixing the maids in the bedroom of the prince and one of them said: "Look what bull
so beautiful is the prince.
went and gave three slaps on the buttocks. Then came the princess, and the maids, seeing her, said:
"This is the food you eat and steals things.
And caught and thrown out the window, falling into a bush.
A woman who lived across the street and saw the princess picked up and carried home. A few days later the prince came and started slapping the buttocks of a bull, but no one answered, and the prince's chagrin, became ill.
Her sister princess, being in the neighboring house, had a son, and learned that his brother had arrived from the war and was sick in bed. Then prepared a large basket of flowers and among them wrapped her son, putting a letter in his hand that said where she was. He sent a girl with the basket telling her to go to the palace of the prince with him, asking if they wanted flowers for the broken heart, but I would not give the basket to anyone unless it was the same prince. It was the maiden
palace, offering flowers, and did not stop until they entered the same room of the prince. He, seeing so many beautiful flowers, began to move and liked a lot.
The girl then said, "Sir
, below the more beautiful.
fumbled the prince and then saw the boy with the letter in his hand. He took it, read it and then went home to his sister, who was full of joy, asking how he had been out of the gold bull without waiting. His sister told him what happened, and the prince was furious and went to the palace and ordered the killing of the maids. A good woman who picked up the princess bore her home, along with her sister.
The wife of the prince, who did not know his sister, asked who was it, and said it was his sister, since then live with them in the palace, and they would raise her nephew as his own son, and as They had no children would make his heir.
And they all lived very happily for many years, retaining the gold bull. "

As discussed below Alvarez de Miranda, on the meaning of this story Extremadura, the allusion to a prince who dishonors the princess is a narrative ploy to deflect the primary meaning of the bull, which is "the true agent fertilization the princess ", as the interest of it, to ask his father to buy him a gold bull, can be interpreted as the desire to conquer fertility.
beliefs in ancient times on the bull's reproductive capacity and fertilizing power could convey, was a dogma that shared many cultures. Remember Egyptian women lifting their skirts to the Apis bull, when he went in procession and visited his church in Memphis and through the "Window the onset of Apis " sex-show him in the hope of obtaining the gift of fertility, or the Mother Goddess or Great Mother of Anatolia, which accounted with voluminous shapes, giving birth to a bull that symbolized the fertility paredros giver of the goddess.
Other similarities can be found in the myth of Pasiphae, who asked Daedalus will manufacture a wooden cow, covered with skin of the animal, to enter into it and get to become impregnated by the bull, the god Poseidon sent to King Minos of Crete, whose act zoophilic gave birth to a bull-headed son, " The Minotaur."
Or what about the goddess " Ephesian Artemis", the "Lady of Ephesus " Anatolia Hellenizing in stage, whose image was represented, sculpture, chest swarm of hubs, which were nothing to Didymus of bull, as a remembrance of a mother goddess, similar to the Phrygian Cybele or the aforementioned Great Mother.
Other examples could be cited in this connection that would not provide more light on analysis, but the sake of narrative, in any event, and contributed to testify to the existence of belief in the fertilizing power of the bull in its reproductive capacity and the special relationship with the woman, which was shared by diverse cultures surrounding the "Mare Nostrum ."
Plácido González Hermoso.

Bibliography: Angel Alvarez de Miranda, "Rites and Toro games" page. 62