Saturday, December 27, 2008

New Jersey Indoor Basketball

BULLS MYTHOLOGICAL I - Mesopotamia and Persia

bullfighting in any treaty, Cossio read any other author or bullfighting, we find a chapter which describes the exploits of famous bulls, under certain anniversaries, left evidence of the excellence of their onslaught and how expensive they sold their lives in this unequal struggle against the brute force intelligence. This paper
I intend to review, with the permission of the respectable, a list of famous mythological bull that either with names or unnamed, were part of the ancient mythological beliefs. In each of these "legends " concludes that the treatment given to the bull, in different societies developed primitive who knew him were essentially three different ways, namely as a sacrificial victim, as symbols or as divine divinity yes. Many will remember
since principiábamos to study world history, the first known epic of humanity, we were told, was the epic of Gilgamesh, a legendary king the third millennium BC Sumerian, strong physique and extraordinary beauty.

male The brunette beauty that adorned our hero, was the cause for which, after the feat of killing the monster Khumbaba, the guardian of the sacred grove of the famous cedars of Lebanon, with the help of his trusty friend Enkidu-uncontrollable causes a burning love in the Sumerian goddess Inanna (the Akkadian Ishtar), "Lady of heaven " goddess of love and war. Gilgamesh rejects the proposals
love of the goddess who, angry for such a bold affront and contempt, he implores the god An, the father of all gods and lord of the Sumerian pantheon, Celeste Toro will send to attack and kill the insolent hero. Appeal granted and executed without delay.
The bull sent in relief of the goddess, is of enormous bulk and strength. Width of temples, large, offensive and astifinos pythons, intentions, lunges and furious rush, making the morlaco one of the scariest animals in the history of mythology. The fight is presumed
long, bloody and unequal, and finally tragedy conjecture. But the hero joins forces with Enkidu, the close friend, and between them they kill the Celestial Bull. The way to do the epic poem describes it as follows: "...¡ Friend mine, I saw the way to bring down the bull, and our forces will be sufficient to overcome!, I rip your heart to offer it to Shamash! (God of Justice), I am going to pursue, it'll take for the thickness of its tail and strong will retain its two claws, you, in front of him, you grabbed him and from the cervix, the horns and cruise bruise your dagger death. "(Column IV, VI Tablet Assyrian Text) (1)

To give us an idea of \u200b\u200bthe enormous scale of the bull, see the steps which will provide artisans who measured their horns, after the death of the bull "... Artisans measured the thickness of the two horns, (we read the same text Assyrian), their mass, each of thirty lapis lazuli mines (1 mine = 600g.) the width of the coating was the thickness of two fingers and six oil guru content they (1 guru = 25 liters). Gilgamesh offered the two horns to his god, Lugalbanda, as vessels of anointing took them and hung in his chamber princely. "
The poem goes on to describe the epic after the fight, death and dismemberment of the bull. Enkidu, Gilgamesh's friend, in an act of unbridled rage, begins with his hands parts of the animal and throws with derision in the face of the goddess Inanna (Figure 2). Naturally such offense and offense could not go unpunished and the goddess sends a disease very painful, which died on the thirteenth day, leading to the dismay of the epic hero. I wonder if, perhaps as early start from the history of superstition that number thirteen.
After this first " legend" , and while the area of \u200b\u200bMesopotamia, the region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, where the Bible says was the Garden of Eden, let us enter the Assyrian Empire, whose armies wore, capping the mast of their banners, the figure of a bull intern. ( photos 3 and 4)

In this area we also find some famous sculptural representations of winged bulls androcéfalos (Greek Andros = man and Cefalo = head) of fame. I am referring to the renowned cherubim, the Akkadian Kerub -not to be confused with the cherubim of angelology Hebrew and Christian, whose loan was not granted until after the first destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem in 586 BC - Carved in stone, massive and refined size which were placed as a magical guardians at the gate of the temples and palaces or the royal throne room.

These winged bulls with human heads, wearing cap fringed with three pairs of horns, or tricorne helmet, long hair and beard, were the perfect representation of the human and divine nature of royalty. These magnificent stone sculptures have a singular meaning: the body of the bull symbolized strength, intelligence human head, the speed wings, tiara with three pairs of horns in the divine nature of royalty and the hair and beard power. (photo 5)
The proliferation of such sculpture was not the exclusive patrimony of the Assyrian empire, but the spread of these representations androcéfalas lasted all the adjoining countries of the "fertile crescent ." Having
bulls of Mesopotamia Babylonian, our steps are directed now to the "land of the Aryans " , the ancestors of the Medes and Persians, where we will find an amazing event in which a bull is the genesis of creation.
For this let us draw near to the supreme god Ahura-Mazda (Figure 6) , also known as Hormuz, from where the name of the strait closed waters of the Arabian Sea or Persian Gulf. The legend says that Hormuz created a primary bull named Abud, whose body was found in all the germs of life. But Ahriman (brother and enemy of Ahura Mazda, principle of evil and darkness) killed the primordial bull, in order to avoid any hint of creation.

His intentions are thwarted when addressing the Demiurge and create the right shoulder Kaiomorts bull, the first man, whom the evil Ahriman again be killed when the Aryan Adam was thirty years old.
Nevertheless, the creation does not stop and left shoulder of the bull, Gochorum Hormuz creates the soul of the primordial bull, destined to be the basis of all zoological species. Their semen, purified, gives life to two bulls, male and female, from which came the 272 animal species known at that time, following the appropriate metamorphosis or transmutation.
Then, from the horns of the bull created the trees on his tail the beans, legumes of the nose and blood of grapes.
I guess someone will wonder what happened to the first man, Kaiomorts. Well see. Kaiomorts's blood that gathered together the two sexes, Ormuz mix with soil and creates a tree, called Heom, which after ten years began ten branches were the first couples to mankind originated.
Another variant of the creative genesis of the bull, much like the previous story, we find described in the book of Avesta. This book, Medo-Persian religion, was written, according to tradition, in twelve thousand skins bull and destroyed by Alexander the Great in 331 BC, when reduced to ashes the royal palace known as "The Apadana" in the City Persepolis.

This story tells of a god called Mithras (Figure 7) , god of light and truth, which would become, with the passage of time and with the help of the diffusion Roman legions the central figure of a religion of great importance and presence in Imperial Rome, which was known and loved as "Deus Sol Invictus " (Figure 8a and b) that would be the biggest enemy and competitor of Christianity, until its demise in the seventh century . In Merida, there was a temple of Mithras, in the third century BC, located under the current bullring.
narration informs us that the God Ahura-Mazda or Hormuz, Mitra orders to kill the blue bull that is terrorizing the region. Mitra does grab by the horns and put it in a cave, but the bull escapes and Mitra, helped his dog, chases him again, holding it by the nose with one hand while with the other he plunged into his neck his hunting knife.

Immediately, the body of the bull all plant species arise. His flesh becomes the cereal and blood into wine. But Ahriman wants to muddy the waters of life and sends to the ant, the scorpion and the snake to try to devour the genitals of the bull and drink its blood. Order and purpose which fortunately did not succeed and so the "seed of the bull , purified by Luna, produces all species of pets and "their soul" in the custody of the dog who helped to chase Mitra, rose to the heavens and Silvano became the tutelary deity of flocks.
Let me add a story that highlights the Ariman hate everything that his brother created Hormuz. As have several accounts, it is said that men who suffered from inclement weather and especially the cold of the ancient glaciations, asked Ahura-Mazda to assist them to protect themselves from freezing temperatures, especially at night. Their prayers were attended and taught them to make dresses with fur cazasen animals. Also gave them the fire, unaware, to be hot and also they put a blue lamp that will light up, temporarily, at night.
dealing with all these gifts, which had been entertained men, Ahriman was furious and in a fit of anger snatched and extinguished the fire with his hands and angrily threw the ashes into the moon, meant to blind his light, without success. They say that the dark patches seen on the moon, the ashes are launched against them the evil Ahriman.

Plácido González Hermoso


(1) .- Federico Lara Peinado, "Gilgamesh."

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Build Your Own Virtual Skate Park

Epigrams - II

A similar bee,

to cause pleasure,
the epigram must be
small, sweet and pungent.
eighteenth century Juan de Iriarte

I've seen in a workshop in Rita
and Peace, two brunettes
to invite to love.
Blanca and Sol, two blondes ... good
Light brunette
higher and Anna,
curly hair that is (I have been assured)
a girl of profit:
The rest are waste and these six ...
Mariano del Toro and Smith

bullring and from the stage forty

admired the antlers of a Miura Juan Amores,
and his wife (this is obvious) you
said with much affection:
horns like that, my cousin
has put you in the bedroom.
Anonymous, 1887

I said to see a bull let up
tributed to feel hurt:-Comes
well, but not tops.
And so under the flat
added: - This is my husband!. REMOVE

disagreed with some hot amateurs
more appropriate to remove the chopper.
According to some, the best
was a cut (in his opinion);
and one who understands the craft,
said: "The cut I load
and instead, a good long
always drives me crazy. FEOS

Admiring a matador, a gentleman said
It takes courage to get on a bull!
that was the killer, like another ugly
Lucifer, and added some chulita
- More courage is needed
to receive him.
An amateur.

A Concha y Sierra, buoyant,

lashed out with such fury as was before, the circle seemed

Agramante new field.
- I am suspicious of these
(some manola
said that he was in tended)
Thus began my husband, and soon was

An amateur.

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To my wife, and put up.
To my children, for putting up.
And three, for the love that I never missed.

Continuing the thread of mythological ball exposed in the previous article, it should discuss what Unamuno makes us think about those remote times, and therefore can say that I do not know if it was in the Upper Paleolithic cave or in the early Neolithic , the source of conception as a form of bullfighting entertainment or recreational tragic struggle, obviously, it was refined over several millennia. But not walking the troubadour Basque misguided in saying what he had magical rite of passage and the tragic way that had not come into contact with the bull man, and even more true worship to be dispensed to the animal totem from the dawn of humanity, to end in one of the most refined artistic expression and ethereal of our time: the bullfight. Ortega y Gasset
asserted in his dissertation " Bulls Game and " that: "... can not understand well the history of Spain from 1650 until today, who not been constructed with strict construction history of bullfighting, in the strict sense, not the Fiestas de Toros, which more or less vaguely in the Peninsula have existed for three millennia . " That phrase
yes, of deep meaning, contains a latent reality where bullfights are matched with the history of Spain in just over three centuries. I do not intend to do, here and now, a journey to build rigor that other English social history, it is not my intention to deviate towards sociology, whose discipline does not dominate, but rather the report, as detailed as possible, collections data on the bull in the mythology, ie, those parties bulls over three millennia, or know what time these taurolatrías back, or belief in which the bull was at least pontificate.
why my aim to capture in a few sheets so that the myth of the bull have known, is motivated by curiosity aroused in me the second paragraph of Ortega on the existence of the feasts of bulls in the Iberian Peninsula for three millennia. Vaguely trying to check if there were bullfights in such distant dates, identified as such, takes us back, if we consider that this statement was delivered to 1,950, nothing more and nothing less than the year 1050 BC approximately when only 30 years had founded the city of Cadiz, the Phoenician Gadir. Enter
peer into the millennium party that taurine Taurica we could find, to document if possible so that the assertion was a renowned philosopher, is to enter a permanent volcano successive cultural explosions, which proliferated and flooded coastal countries or close to the "Mare Nostrum ", where avatars social, cultural, religious and historical were happening at breakneck speed and therefore, a task fraught with endless difficulties of the attempt to make an extremely difficult road . Another reason
justify the purpose of exploring the world of bullfighting, as early on and where humanity would meet "too culture" expression of a scholar-fan and best friend, Dr. Salas Moreno, when asked his opinion on such an undertaking, is given by the encyclicals condemning the bullfight promulgated by the popes during the XVI century onwards. They condemned and tried to prohibit such parties with various arguments, even "threaten excommunication " who participate in them and even " were denied Christian burial " those who die by bull horn in a those diversions pagan ancestor.
same can be found in the famous games of King Alfonso X the Wise (1221-1284), the regulation in Title VII, Act 5: " Of the children that the parent can disinherit ." They came to authorize parents to disinherit their children, considering them infamous, for remuneration or stipend bullfighting. In Part I, Title V, Act LVII, bishops were forbidden to attend the bullrings, having to do the church "non accrued yr to see games, ... So then as aboriginal women, or scape, or deal with the bulls, or other wild beasts r nin to see that deal ", and in case of infringements go" off-limits from office by three years "(1).
on church involvement in" bull run , see my article "Cures Toreros ", forthcoming. More
Alfonso X was not the first to establish certain restrictions and so I find that Alfonso the Battler (1104-1134) in the off-Tudela of 1,122, 293 points available in punishment for "those who ultimately carried cow, ox or torus bundle, and maliciously make phlox or looseness, damage or ridicule determining . (2)
Shortly after and to avoid the evils and dangers that could be exposed people in the villages where the bulls were running, we decided to carry them out in places or fenced enclosures, in order to have maximum guarantees of security, as we can see what happened at particular sites. An example of this is reflected in the Charter of Zamora, 1276 which says: "We argue that nenguno non is daring to run wild bull cow nen Enno body of the town, non in that place that was as they say Sancta Altana, a close there rather than leave a fazer non danno. E is for adventure out, kill for Fagan non danno. "(2 )
The" games bulls "were listed by many moralists and theologians as arising from the "ludi " Romans, and even compared with games and circus performances and was therefore something profane and reprehensible from a Christian perspective.
However, the common people thought that by a vote of the class, you could even mollify the Divine, as in the council of Roa in 1374, preserved among the manuscripts of the Monastery of Silos, " A 4 January 1374 birth year forced the council Roa ( by a plague that God had spared ) facemos et pledge vow to God ... to give and pay in each anno i forever thousand five hundred coppers Desta usual currency, FACEN ten money that the farthing. E to pay ... all knights, squires, ladies and maidens, fijosdalgo, lay, clergy, Indian Moors i Desta said town. E desto i said thousand four hundred coppers bulls are purchased and are calendar and given by God's love, the two bulls on the day of Corpore Christi. E fagamos these bulls to envergoñados i cooked the poor ... i came bread ... "(3)
The mishaps that occurred in those celebrations sprawl" running bulls "were so frequent that, undoubtedly, produced a concern in the general populace and the Local and national authorities themselves. So in 1555 the Courts Valladolid are directed to the king saying, " otrosí say, that experience has been understood that, with bulls running in these realms, it gives rise to many die in great danger of their salvation, or other problems occur worthy of remedy. We beseech your Majesty to provide is sent hereafter do not run, but instead of these parties, entering military exercises in which your Majesty's subjects become more skilled at serve him. " They sought to ban
parties "running bulls " could produce, so rooted in folk customs, some rejection, hostility or antipathy to nobility that led to ponder the matter in the real decision. Because it answered the monarch, Charles V (1516-1556), "... regarding damage to the bulls that are made, the magistrates and justices provide and prevent so that it is excused as soon as you can, and as the running of the bulls said, this is a very ancient and general custom in these our kingdoms, and it will be necessary to remove more look at it for now and so they should not be doing anything . " (3)
no intention to be more exhaustive, it will continue with more examples abound in this introductory part, although later we will refer to it further. However say that the obstacles and prohibitions of the Bourbons illustrated could do nothing against one of the more concerned and deeply rooted customs, along so many centuries, the English people. Causes
unknowns is still causing, at first unexplained, it is necessary to find out all you can about this myth Tauric. The analogy is made on the bullfighting with solar, the swastika or the arcana of number three, where the sun and shade, three thirds of the fight, life and death, drama and tragedy are always present, are sufficient to provoke the curiosity of anyone who "wants explained its origin, its development, its future, and spring forces that have engendered and sustained ...", the words of Ortega.
These three issues, as the number arcane, arcane as the thirds of the deals, the three matadors with his three banderilleros or three strikes and so on., The party leading the bulls for sacrifice of the totem and thus implies mysteries helium-religious reminiscent ancestral taurica, which could be the cause or origin of those prohibitions Papal and others mentioned above, and therefore to the ancestral origins of the myth of the bull, are causing more than enough to stimulate any concerns about disclosing mystery.
A final motivation for the translation of these data in some pages, not only to take stock of knowledge that may have acquired, after reading dozens of books on the subject, or claim to receive some praise with which to feed one's vanity, always present in the human being, but rather by a kind of self confidence because failure to do so, I am sure that in the short distance before long, my memory would not, perhaps, the generosity of reversal, when requested to do so , that fact, that story, story or passage from the mass of information that I have been patiently delivered.
So if we agree with what Brelich Angelo said, referring to certain scientific disciplines investigating the origins of phenomena and tries to explain, says :"... Myth explains nothing, merely telling "(4). Therefore, what I present below is limited only to tell what the myths have known, within different cultures or religions that I have dared and have been lucky enough to wander and enjoy reading on this trip and legends. To further
somehow a kind of order, I intend to report following a route known as geography, although subsequent follow historical chronology between the accounts of some areas and others, and rather we stop in each geographical area learn about avatars in which he was involved, cultural or worship, our "bos primigenium ." Therefore
and heeding D. Miguel de Unamuno, start from the cavernous stage, if only briefly, and then do some real way from the first organized societies of mankind, settled in Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, where it appears and as the Bible was the earthly paradise. Leaving the idyllic Eden, with no avenging angel, read Kerubino (the Sumerian Kerub), expel or punish us, we head to the Persian Zoroastrian and Vedic, to proceed to the mythical and mystical India, and do a little dabbling in the mysterious China or the islands of Indonesia. From there, crossing the Indian Ocean, or Sea Eritrean, know some habits of Madagascar, where we will visit and tour the world's longest river, Father Nile, where we will reveal the treatment given to the bull between the Nilotic cultures and the land of gods, pharaohs and pyramids. Once
toured the country of the pharaohs, we infiltrated among the people of the Jewish Exodus up to the "Promised Land " to learn about the people of Israel. Climb through the course of the Jordan and through Tyre and Sidon and following the course of the Orontes, named "River Music" by the Arabs, we discover the land of purple, a name with which the country was known to the Phoenicians. From this nation of Sidon (Phoenicia), follow the caravan route through Ebla and Aleppo to introduce us to the legendary kingdoms of Assyria and Mitanni, on the upper reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates. Cross the Taurus Mountains, modern subdivided into Taurus Mountains and mountains of Antitauro, known to Turks as " the range of a hundred bulls " warrior people visit the Hittite, Anatolia, where we take the ship, after peaceful voyage I hope, bring us closer to the mythical Crete, where women played the bull.
That and following the current Mycenaean, arrive in the educated Greece, the cradle of Western mythology, from which, through the Roman Empire, moor the ship in our beloved Tartessian and Iberia, which quietly and read all the influences and loans cultural left us the people who visited us for so many centuries we invaded and dominated.
Enough said then that no more claims that to gather and regroup the numerous data on the myth of the bull I have known, what without the prior expressed aspiration that, I can only ask for leniency to those who can read these pages, and passing through high analysis on the structure, composition and narrative quality of the chapters that follow. I apologize for the imperfections that may be, simplicity or poverty of the concerns expressed, the monotony or heaviness that can produce reading, despite my intention, yes I have tried, has not been that.
(1) .- Julio Caro Baroja, "the summer Holiday"
(2) .- Luis del Campo: "The Church and Toros "
(3) .- Father J. Pereda Jesuit .- "The bulls before the church and moral"
(4) .- Brelich Angelo, "The Old Religion", vol.I.-Ed. century

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Mythology - I

This just started work, I intend to go telling a series of mythological stories in the form of articles, related to the bull, as to their treatment by different societies of antiquity , showing the ancestral, without doubt, the culture of the bull.
Many opinions have been heard, and found favor on the accuracy and legality of the qualification as taurine cultural festival. Like any human activity, this celebration, like others, is subject to interpretation and criticism, at least, it should be treated with a bare minimum and necessary respect for anyone who expresses his opinion of any kind, ethical and practical and desirable feature of any civilized society, explaining their arguments.
Based on the assumptions that anthropologists have left us, it is undeniable that "the culture or civilization is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society "Defined of anything suspicious English anthropologist EB Tylor (1832-1917). (1)
Elaborating on the concepts supporting the culture of the bull, it can be said, by obvious that human activity is " mass culture, which, thanks to the media, is no longer the old culture groups have a universal character, to become a heritage of masses and not the elite, as in feudal times.
From the earliest times we can imagine, the bull has been the subject of a cult zoolátrico we can associate to the beginning of the hunting activities of early man.
Unamuno, in the first stanza of his praise of Altamira, refers to a time cavern where we are located, perhaps unintentionally, in the early dark of the ritual and the cult of the bull, saying:
" bisonteo Cave,
dark magic ritual, worship introitus
culminating in bullfighting."

What one might call " The first book graphic Humanity" has left us many pictures of cave paintings of animals and in particular bull, which demonstrate the existence of a sort of primitive beliefs. The Upper Palaeolithic hunter or at least the early Neolithic, believed that all living things were animated, or possessed of a powerful spirit and the effects the same could be changed by magic rituals. This is what is known as animist beliefs and religions and rituals which, it is conceivable, using formulas and objects of an apotropaic (Greek apotrepö = divert) was a common and current, with the intention of prejudicing the spirit the animal for the hunter and hunting to ensure that future was less dangerous, easier and plentiful.
(1) New Encyclopedia Larousse, volume 5, pag.2526

Saturday, December 13, 2008

How To Extend An Adjustable Curtain Rod


again bring to the attention of those who read my blog, a couple of events ancient times, that his curiosity and adventurous disappearance of one of them, gladly provided below and in particular to Dr. Chambers, "guilty of breathing in me," the vicious habit of delving into the mythical past of the bulls and more ... with the affection that I profess.
One of the lots used from earlier times in the celebrations of bulls bring them down, and has passed away, was the " crescent," which consisted of a stick as the pole or stick to stop, that one end had placed a crescent of steel concave edge shear . Hamstring
The manager approached the bull from behind, and in one stroke he cut the tendons of the hind legs of the bull.
weapons worn by royal guards, called "Alabarderos" since the time of King Ferdinand, known as "halberds" incorporated as one of the three utilities, such spears, a desjarretadera. (photo) this barbaric fate, VENATORIA origin, was a practice as old and widespread, as, evidenced by the references in the Bible, when Jacob (c. 1800 BC) before dying, to bless their children he tells two of them: "Simeon and Levi are hyenas, instruments of violence are their swords ... because men in their anger and wantonly slaughtered bulls hamstrung. "(Genesis, 49, 6)
In another passage we see that not only hamstrung bulls, and when the kings of northern Israel marched together in alliance against Joshua (Moses' successor , around 1200 BC.), Yahweh said to Joshua " Do not fear, for tomorrow at this same time, I will give them transferred before Israel: hamstring their horses and burn their chariots ." (Joshua, 11, 6-7)
Alabarda with desjarretadera

The passage does not quote the horses hamstrung, assuming they were some hundreds or thousands, as when David (1015-975?) Hadadecer defeated king of Soba: "David took from him in 1700 knights and twenty thousand foot; hamstrung all horses, chariots, leaving no more than a hundred shots of cars ..."( 2 Samuel, 8, 4-5), totaling at least 3,000 horses, out of about 3,400 of the wagons, 400 horses reserved for cars shooting, four per car.
is understood that this practice, though barbarous, was only the occasion of the tribal strife that followed one another quite often, because in normal life is comforting to find that codes such as Hammurabi (1730-1686 BC) criminalized such behavior, as evidenced by its articles, as well as the Laws Hittites (1500-600 BC), Article 74 provides: "If any bankruptcy horn or the legs of an ox, take that animal and give the owner of the ox another in good condition. "
is understood that, in agricultural villages, farmers, the loss of a valuable animal supposed to lose some of the estate. Thus both Babylonians and Hittites, as in the messianic laws, many articles were devoted to the protection of animals which were useful to man.

the book of hunting of Argote de Molibna, Sevilla, 1582

In the XV and XVI, the crescent used by the hunters, called Maroons in the West Indies, were " twenty spans long spears in the end have a weapon of iron, the crescent shape of excruciating edges, called desjarretadera, with which, these Maroons, rushing to the cattle while running away, and hiriéndolas in the knees of the feet, the first boats the hamstring, "according to one writer of the time.
Initially hamstrung bulls which were the Moorish slaves, blacks and mulattos were then, as related by Lope de Vega in Jerusalem: "... Castilla slaves that do the same with the bulls ".
This heinous practice of joy served for many spectators, who at the touch of hamstrings, jumped into the ring armed with all weapons reveling in the slaughter, as the review D. Nicolás Fernández de Moratinos, in his historic letter "... and then touched hamstrings, which are rushing to the bull accompanied by dogs, and hamstrung him and others around him with pikes and puncture finished off with the sword ... no waiting and no ability ...". Exactly Goya painted to illustrate the "historic Charter " Moratin, twelve lithographs and precisely the number twelve for the hamstrung a bull.

Engraving by Goya, n º 12
Other entertainment was hamstrung bulls drag vivo, as occurred in the Plaza de Burgos, under Philip IV the occasion of the marriage of Louis XIII of France (Cardinal Richelieu) and Dona Ana de Austria, in 1615, a feast of bulls, and the same " used four mules, not tamed, with tightrope, and the other being hamstrung, put them in the ring and tie the bull, and as running away from him, throwing both, making it jump, and thus rejoice a lot of people, and seemed fine as anything ever seen ".
One of the last times you have news that a right-hander took out the half moon in a run, went to the plaza Cayetano Sanz de Madrid, 9 May 1861, alternating with Julian Casas and El Tato, Augustine's three bulls and three others Salido tbsp and Santiago Martinez. Lotteries bulletin says the bullfighter and bull, "Cayetano Sanz after eleven natural passes, three more to the right, two above the head and a chest, gave a short, front to volapié, one in the horns Another low front to volapié, another the same, and as another air, another cut volapié, in which he and three thrusts descordó starting, leaving crescent ...". Total ten lunges
After this string of punctures, do not know what was more disgusting and repulsive, if the crescent or the recital of Mr. Cayetano.
La Lidia, 21-Oct-1895

After its abolition, was still obliged to show the public the crescent and was collected several rules of that time, as reflected by the squares of Madrid, Barcelona and Puerto de Santa Maria, among others, approved in 1880, stating in its provisions the obligation, the employer of the square, to provide at least a half moon and the authority, " after fifteen minutes, will signal the President and the playing of a bugle announced the time had passed and will help the sword is removed the bracket, and remove the nailer and shown to the public from the alley to ridicule crescent (derision) the sword, but you will not use it as this is a disgusting act " .


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The lace, also called cheek, whose use and value all know, was used since ancient times as old as you can see below:
The philosopher Plato, who certainly was a great eater of figs, in his " The Kritias ", describes the way they were the kings of Atlantis to hunt the bull, when he sacrificed to Poseidon," ... when legal issues should seek evidence of fidelity were given as follows: Remove the bulls on the premises dedicated to Poseidon (the Heraklion) ... after pleading to God to enable them to capture the victim which seem more pleasant, no iron weapons, hunted him with clubs and bows. Placed along the spine the bull caught and executed on its top as it was prescribed ... After finishing the sacrifice and devote all parts of the bull, a crater filled with blood and sprayed one by one with a few drops of it ... Then, drawing some blood of the crater with cups of gold ... drank the blood and deposited the cup as a votive offering in the sanctuary of God ... "Another reference Sticking
bulls found in the" Epic of Gilgamesh "(circa 2600 BC), considered the first epic poem of mankind, describes the scene where the hero and his friend Enkidu fighting the bull that he sent the goddess Ishtar, to avenge Gilgamesh, for having slighted and do not access their love compliments: "...¡ My friend, I saw the folded through the bull, and our forces will be sufficient to overcome !, I rip your heart to offer it to Shamash!. I am going to pursue, it'll take for the thickness of its tail and strong will retain its two claws, you, in front of him, you grabbed him and from the cervix, horn and the cruise bruise your dagger of death ". (Column IV, VI Tablet Assyrian Text) (photo 1)
The poem goes on to describe fighting, death and dismemberment of the bull. Enkidu took parts of the animal and tossed with derision in the face of the goddess. Naturally, such a grievance could not go unpunished, and the goddess sends a very painful disease, which died on the thirteenth day.
in times closer now, we know that the practice of Sticking bulls was a skill of those skilled in the s. XVIII practicing the kind of riding bulls, as seen in Goya's bullfighting practiced by Cevallos, or executed Ramón de Rozas "El Indio", a native of Veracruz, the kingdom of New Spain, the day of presentation in Madrid 27 September 1784 that "... bull mounted the ninth, broke lances from the same bull to the next, and then killing him with a knife that was mounted ...". The chronicles that was such a success that raised more than R $ 20,000 higher revenues achieved in the eleven previous runs. (photo 2)
The ability of the nailer must be of a certain maximum, in avoidance of evils that we know, as Marra and lift the bull, God excuses! With the resulting public anger and bullfighters. (photo 3)
the mid-nineteenth century, had very practical and insightful that since long distance, pulling the lace and struck the bull crazy. Could it be true? Qui what sá! Among the most expert quoted by the magazine at the time, included José Díaz "The Fly", which belonged to the gang of José Redondo "the Chiclanero" or Manuel Bustamante "the Bug" and Joaquin River "Alones" among others .
That some note for the better shine. And so be it. Amen! Plácido González Hermoso

How Much Is Silver Pearl Worth

WITHDRAWAL Sunday in a step
Doña Cleta
regretted that some famous
sword cut off his ponytail is
the end of the season.
- Well then it will be!
(murmur was heard about)
Would really bad! I think that although leaves

bullfighting is not to be cut.
(The Lydia, probably meant Guerrita)

Admirose a Portuguese
to see that in his early childhood
all children knew
France speak French.
"Art is diabolical,"
said, twisting his mustache,
"that to talk in gabacho
a gentleman in Portugal
reaches old and evil speaking, and here
parla a boy." Nicolás Fernández de Moratín

Diana, huntress and goddess
turned Actaeon into a stag, with a vengeance

rigorous because he saw in the bathroom. Those who contemplate

antlers may rightly say, if you put horns
what will they not?.
(Weekly Picturesque English, 1842) THE LONG

and her boyfriend Luis Miguel,
that expands the very cruel
going to the Vicarage,
went to the square one day uninvited
it for him. Long Lagartijo

Miguel was celebrating, and Luisa scaled
"Hey, so long, son,
the time you're giving
(Manuel Núñez Matute)

salt wench in a well tended
was a friend of a spoke
- is a regular guy, and the struggle
strong and hard, when he enters
is even safer:
half pair never fails.
(Mariano del Toro and Smith, La Lidia 1887)

Listening to her husband
discourse with great vehemence regarding intelligence

a known killer,
young and beautiful female
said: "Seeing in luck, it is understood
be seen, because it tightens
and soak.


I understand very well, "he said matter-
bug that when the two legs together,
if the sword does not give the blow, and no practical
and wit ...
not can get the tip.
("The Bullfighting Boy, 1902)