Sunday, December 14, 2008

Writing Maricopa County Jails

Mythology - I

This just started work, I intend to go telling a series of mythological stories in the form of articles, related to the bull, as to their treatment by different societies of antiquity , showing the ancestral, without doubt, the culture of the bull.
Many opinions have been heard, and found favor on the accuracy and legality of the qualification as taurine cultural festival. Like any human activity, this celebration, like others, is subject to interpretation and criticism, at least, it should be treated with a bare minimum and necessary respect for anyone who expresses his opinion of any kind, ethical and practical and desirable feature of any civilized society, explaining their arguments.
Based on the assumptions that anthropologists have left us, it is undeniable that "the culture or civilization is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society "Defined of anything suspicious English anthropologist EB Tylor (1832-1917). (1)
Elaborating on the concepts supporting the culture of the bull, it can be said, by obvious that human activity is " mass culture, which, thanks to the media, is no longer the old culture groups have a universal character, to become a heritage of masses and not the elite, as in feudal times.
From the earliest times we can imagine, the bull has been the subject of a cult zoolátrico we can associate to the beginning of the hunting activities of early man.
Unamuno, in the first stanza of his praise of Altamira, refers to a time cavern where we are located, perhaps unintentionally, in the early dark of the ritual and the cult of the bull, saying:
" bisonteo Cave,
dark magic ritual, worship introitus
culminating in bullfighting."

What one might call " The first book graphic Humanity" has left us many pictures of cave paintings of animals and in particular bull, which demonstrate the existence of a sort of primitive beliefs. The Upper Palaeolithic hunter or at least the early Neolithic, believed that all living things were animated, or possessed of a powerful spirit and the effects the same could be changed by magic rituals. This is what is known as animist beliefs and religions and rituals which, it is conceivable, using formulas and objects of an apotropaic (Greek apotrepö = divert) was a common and current, with the intention of prejudicing the spirit the animal for the hunter and hunting to ensure that future was less dangerous, easier and plentiful.
(1) New Encyclopedia Larousse, volume 5, pag.2526


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