Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Afternoon Tea Center Pieces

Guisando mythological - III, ISRAEL, in light of the Bible

Our journey in search of mythical bull ended in the previous chapter, land that bathes the once fertile and productive Nile, which performs the miracle of fertilizing the fields, when depositing fertile silt, thus allowing the collection of abundant harvests per year.
Our new route, this time, take the direction of the northeast Egyptian accompanied the Jewish people in its " Exodus" to "after the persecution of the armies of Pharaoh and the" passage through the Red Sea "led them to" the promised land "that their god Yahweh had reserved them as a chosen people, explore the possible presence of the bull in the area of \u200b\u200bworship Israel.
Before reaching the thousand that Israel conflict secular, it must be pointed out that one of the biggest headaches of Moses were not the Egyptians, and its passage through the Red Sea, or the famine in his people and was able to overcome thanks to the rain of "mana " miraculous or forty years wandering in the desert of the Sinai peninsula, but by the bull.
not forget that the two great leaders of Israel, Abraham and Moses, were people, like the crowds that followed, most, not born in Israel, with large and important experiences in societies accustomed to treatment Tauric of their gods and therefore can not rule out the dent, loan or cultural influence of such symbols among the Israelites. Since long ago, the Hebrew patriarchs worshiped the Canaanite god El, represented by a bull, which was banned later by Moses.
Before describing the epic of the Exodus and the events of the Golden Calf of Sinai, is suitable to investigate the origin and provenance of the people of Israel and the prospective or continued professed polytheism lies between them, to understand why the presence of such figures taurica or use of such language use.
The Israelites, as we shall see, were originally the Sumerian and therefore, descendants of these and used Tauric treatment of their gods.
The Bible tells us that Abram (the 10th generation after Noah, by line of Shem), was Sumerian city of Ur, where he married Sarah, that her father was Terah and his brothers were Nahor and Aram and the latter, the father of Lot, died in his native country in "Ur of the Chaldeans " (Gen, 11, 28). A Sumerian city, populous and commercial, which was near the mouth of l Euphrates River.
also informs us that the biblical text: " Terah took Abram his son, Lot, the son of Aram, son of his son, and Sarai his daughter, the wife of his son Abram and brought them out of Ur of the Chaldees to go into the land of Canaan, and came to Haran, they were there ... ", where he died the father of Abram, the two hundred and five years old. (Gen, 11 ,31-32)
also know from the Bible that Abraham, according to the covenant He made with him "El-Sadai " (another variant of the name of THE , which in Greek means " Pantokrator "," Almighty "and " He who governs everything "), is the father and the origin of the people of Israel:" Yahweh said to Abram: "Leave your country, your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you I will make a great people , bless you and make your name ..." (Gen, 12 , 2). Also in Gen, 17 ,4-6 Lord tells Abraham: "Behold my covenant you shall be the father of a multitude of nations, and will no longer be called Abram, but Abraham, ... I acrecentaré much, and you give people, and kings shall come from you ... . "
But what was the cause of that family migration of the Bible tells us nothing. It is very probable that they were fleeing for safety, the constant attacks and riots of the Amorites that, aided by Elamites and Semites from the steppes of Iran, came, attacked and looted Ur by 2003 BC, when, with some overtones of probability event to which we refer.
With regard to religion, it is documented that the chief Sumerian god, or the Employer, the city of Ur (in times of Abraham and later), was Nanna or Zu-en (another name Nanna " Lord of knowledge "), known as" El Brillante , a moon god which was depicted as a bull beard of lapis lazuli. " Nanna was the father of the goddess Inanna (the "Lady of heaven " Goddess of Love and War) and son of Enlil (the most important god of the Sumerian polytheism, say they came to have about two thousand gods, who invoked as "Great bull ", "Toro powerful," "Mighty Toro" etc.). In a Sumerian hymn dedicated to Zu-in, his mother Ninlil (wind Lady ") was referred to it by talking softly as follows:" ... l Ucides calf, grown on my knees and pure ... ... Novillo me ... your name is prized in all countries ... Lord of the holy stable " (1). In Babylon was known as the moon god Nanna WITHOUT ("God's Calendar") , who is also invoked in another Babylonian hymn as "bull horn Fiero thick, perfectly proportioned, with a beard lapis lazuli, full of virility ... "(2).
Indeed, the city of Harran or Harram (in the region of Padan Aram), where the family sojourned Abram, was famous not only for its burgeoning business-to be located in the middle of the crossroads between Damascus, Carchemish and Nineveh-but for having one of the shrines (called Ziggurat) most important, along with that of Ur, dedicated to the god Sin (or Nann a) and This, as Lord calendar month and "was compared to a bull. Only these brief notes
lead us to believe that Abram lived in Ur until the age of twenty or thirty years and comply with the rites and ceremonies dedicated to the gods of his hometown. Same habits and religious customs, we presume, follow in Harram, during the forty or fifty years he lived in his adopted city as: "... Leaving Haran Abram was seventy-five years ... in the direction of the land of Canaan, and came ... the place of Shechem, to the oaks of Moreh " where the Lord appeared to him a second time. (Gen, 12 , 4-8)
This assumption about religious observance and worship of the Sumerian gods, by Abraham and his family, is corroborated, later, Joshua (c. 1250 BC) when he spoke to the people: "Here's what says the LORD God of Israel : Your parents, Terah, the father of Abraham and Nahor- initially lived across the river and served other gods " . (Joshua 24, 2)
also know from the biblical text, Abram sent for a wife for his son Isaac to Padan Aram (that is Harram tell) and was elected Rebecca, granddaughter of his brother Nahor and sister of Laban and daughter of it, Leah and Rachel, married his cousin Jacob, son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham. This behavior is inbreeding classic tribal peoples very own organized into tribes.
Another event that we discover the Bible is the possible Laban polytheism, when he went in pursuit of Jacob and also of blame to go away from home with their wives (daughters) without saying goodbye, he complains: "Why did you steal my gods? "(Gen, 31 ,30-31). The domestic images of family gods were called terafim "and the perpetrator Raquel theft before leaving the parental home:" ... and Rachel stole her father terafim. "(Gen, 31 ,19-20).
Even in times of Micol, and Michal, the wife of King David is still using those figures (two hundred years after Moses, at a distance in time of nearly seven hundred years after Rachel) took Micol: "... one of the terafim and put it in the bed, put a goat skin in place of the head and fell on it cover.", in recounting the episode when he helped David to escape the wrath of Saul. (1 Samuel, 19 ,13-14)
These figures, terafim, most likely represent the Sumerian, Babylonian gods, among whom there would Nanna, Sin, Enlil or Marduk (Bel in the Bible, invoking as Novillo Sun ") and so on., in the form of figures of bulls. Arriving
Abraham to Canaan (now would be Israel, the Gaza Strip and West Bank) the Canaanites who inhabited the area worshiped the gods EL and Baal, among others (the latter, largely fought in the era of the Prophets), who were represented by a bull.
Other facts lead us to think that Abraham's house were they not strange taurica these representations of the gods. Do not forget that the habit of adjectives to their gods with nicknames as compared with the bull, not assumed, " per se an act essentially idolatrous. It was a way to pontificate the importance of the potential of their gods, such as strength, power, creativity, justice, virility, fertility, aid, protection, rain, etc. etc. In Genesis
33, 20 is told that Jacob (meaning "deception " or "which supplants ", or "heel " since he was born clutching the heel of his brother Esau: Gen, 25 ,26-27), after the meeting and reconciliation with his brother Esau, to get to Shechem: "... raised an altar, which he called" Israel Elohe The " ( The God of Israel) (Ge, 33 -20)

name THE is found in the Bible in several occasions. For example, when it recounts the episode in which Benjamin, as he came down with his brothers to Egypt to buy wheat and Joseph orders his butler: "... Put also my cup," he said, the silver cup in the mouth of the sack of the youngest, along with money ... "(Gen, 44 , 2) so you can accuse him of robbery and hold it, hold them at the time, the rest of the brothers, which led to Egypt his father Jacob to him and hug him, later becoming known to his brothers (Gen, 45, 3). After the fear, distrust and Jacob's initial astonishment, once convinced, take a trip to meet her son Joseph, "... and to reach Beersheba (southwest of the Dead Sea) offered sacrifices to the God of Isaac . " Then God spoke to him in night vision and said: " Jacob, Jacob, he replied:" Behold, "and said:" I am THE , the God of thy father: fear not to go down to Egypt ... " (Gen, 46 ,2-4).
Other information could be given the respect, always scanning the biblical text, which show the familiarity of the people of Israel with Tauric nicknames to refer to their god. Do not forget that one of the customs in time and later time Moses was the rule should not Yhvh the tetragrammaton (Yahweh) in their invocations, being too sacred and in prayer using the name of Adonai, meaning "The Lord " (and appears around 300 times in the OT). Even today, in Judaism teaches that: "Instead of pronouncing YHVH during prayer, Jews must wear Adonai."
Other events that lead us to think about possible, call it, Taurica pollution, is the continued presence of Jewish settlements in Egypt, especially in the Nile Delta first heard we have, in the presence of nomadic pastoralists in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Nile, is the descent from Abraham to Egypt, where the Bible shows us that Sara was still, despite his age, a woman of alluring beauty. Abraham tells his wife: "Look that you are a woman beautiful, and when the Egyptians see you say:" Is your wife "and they will kill me, and you will leave your life gave you, therefore, I Please, you're my sister, so that I try it for yourself and for your sake I save my life. " (Gen, 12 ,11-14 et seq.).

later Both Abraham and Jacob, lived for some time in the land of the Nile Delta in the Nome 20 (Province) of Lower Egypt, which was where the region of Goshen, which was confined between the cities south of Heliopolis, Tanis and Mendes Bubastris north and west. Just stayed there for 17 years Jacob " Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt, the land of Goshen, and acquired possessions there, grow and multiply greatly. Jacob lived in the land of Egypt seventeen years ..." (Gen, 47, 27-28)

seems that the presence of nomadic shepherds of Israel, and surrounding towns in Egypt, was common between the fifteenth and twelfth centuries BC, and who went down to Delta Nile and "passed Egyptian border crossings were registered and received the name of the place where they could stay ..." (3). In a report to Pharaoh, a border official, circa 1200 BC tells him, "We ended up allow the passage of the tribes of Edom Ahasu (known as Edomites, their territory was located southeast of the Dead Sea ) through the strength of (Pharaoh) Merneptah (1224-1214 BC, the son of Ramses II was the Pharaoh who persecuted Moses) in TKW to Pithom tank (in Pithom had major quarries ) ... for them and their herds to survive in the great pharaoh's property, good sun all land .... " (3)
precisely and with a desire to eliminate any contamination that idolatry that drew the people of Israel from its origins, but the gained during his stay in Egypt, so God prescribes the principle of the Decalogue ( Ten Commandments) on Mount Sinai: "Thou shalt not ... sculptures or any image of what is on top of heaven, or what is down on earth, or what is in the water under the earth ... "(Ex 20 ,4-5), even later tells Moses that even people make images of Him: "... me not ye gods of silver or gods of gold for yourselves ..." (Ex 20 ,23-24). This paragraph is where was founded the iconoclastic movement, especially in the eighth century AD, with behaviors such as the Byzantine Emperor Leo III, the " Isaurian ", who ordered the destruction of all statues and religious images in the AD 730, until the Second Council of Nicaea in 787 AD, reaffirmed the veneration of icons.
But to return to resume contact with the people of Israel and, in particular, to accompany the Exodus people to understand their worries and hardships, as well as knowledge of their religious practices and totemism associated with the bull.
"In biblicus tempore", sorry for the dog-Latin, but at that time thought that the biblical " the people saw that Moses delayed to come down from the mountain (Mount Sinai), met Aaron around (as the Jewish priest) and said, "Come, make us gods who go before us ... They all took the double loop of gold that were in their ears and brought them to Aaron. He received from his hands, made a cast and on it a molten calf, and they said: "Israel, behold your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt " (Ex. 32 , 1 -4). So the Bible describes the moment that Aaron, brother of Moses, melt the golden calf, and: "Aaron Seeing this, he raised an altar before the image and cried:" Tomorrow will be a feast to the LORD . " (Ex. 32 , 5).
Only these two passages, the second book of the Pentateuch, show that the years lived by the people of Israel in Egyptian lands were not in vain, and that involved the adoption, or perhaps the syncretism of certain Egyptian religious beliefs on those theophany (Greek theos = God, and Faino = appear, not to be confused with the plural " theophanies " parties were held at Delphi in honor of Apollo, at the beginning of spring), by which a god appears to the faithful in various ways.
One of the latest findings, the American archaeologist Ron Wyatt, was the discovery, apparently, of the altar erected by Aaron at Mount Sinai to the Golden Calf in the pedestal have been discovered engravings of bulls, as shown in the images shown, found on the Internet and supports the veracity of the existence of the biblical passage.

Therein lies the first problem Tauric of Moses who, after the tantrum, "... took the calf they had made and burned it, comminution to reduce it to ash, which mixed with water, haciéndosela drink the children of Israel "(Ex. 32, 20). A faith that water was never an aura as rich.
these passages were a fact occasional or isolated, the people of Israel or the people of the Exodus?. Would not appear so, according to the data extract below.
Despite the outburst of Moses, it is curious to see how this makes use of the term Patriarch Tauric to bless the twelve tribes of Israel, on the plains of Moab, before climbing to Mount Nebo, where he died without pressing the "promised land . " Thus, addressing the tribe of Joseph, said: "... fall on the head of Joseph, on the foreheads of the elect among their brothers. Firstborn bull, he glory. "(Deut. 33 ,16-17) In this
metaphors spoken by Moses, referring to the tribe of Joseph, shows an analogy with the treatment they gave the Sumerians in the third god of the cosmic triad Enky , which was known as "bull son", ie son of the supreme Sumerian god An , who called "Toro Father." Therefore, in the allegory " firstborn bull" can imply that the degree Taurica which Moses, and presumably attributed to the Lord, was not something arbitrary or casual.

Incidentally, the fact that Moses was represented there, both painting and sculpture, with a sort of horns on his head, caused by a failure of St. Jerome to translate the Bible from Hebrew into Latin ( "The Vulgate "), in particular paragraph of Ex 34, 29: "And the lowering Moses on Mount Sinai, he brought with him the two tablets of the law and did not know that because of the conversation with the Lord, his face gave off light rays . " Apparently the Hebrew verb " Qaran " or " karan " means " emit rays of light, "but if used as a noun meaning" horn . " Thus, St. Jerome interpreted that only Christ should shine with beams of light and opted for the second formula and translated into Latin: "... quod cornuta esset facies sua" (6). Thus Michelangelo sculpted Moses, in the sixteenth century that guise, whose work is in the Vatican Basilica, at the tomb of Pope Julius II (1503-1513), who was the one who ordered the construction of St. Peter's Basilica today.
Another curiosity of the same chapter of the Bible and is translated into a lifelong habit for Islam is that when people see the shining face of Moses was afraid to approach him, but he called out: " When Moses had finished speaking, he put a veil over her face ... " (Ex 34, 33) . So in all pictorial, Muslims always play to Muhammad with the face covered by a veil as a sign of respect.
An anecdotal case, but illustrative, is the time of the distribution of land to the twelve tribes of Israel, made by Joshua, which tells that the party belonged to the tribe of Joseph was divided between Ephraim and Manasseh, sons of this and his Egyptian wife Aseneth ( to Pharaoh gave Joseph the name of Zaphenath Paneaj, Gen, 41, 45-daughter of a priest of the god Ra in the Egyptian city of On, Greek Heliopolis, the "Sun City", called Put-IFAR, it is likely that all this happened in the days of Pharaoh Amenemhat III -1844-1797 BC-of the XII Dynasty.). The tribe of Levi received no land at all, as was the priestly tribe of all Israel. Each tribe had its standard (as described in the Midrash, a Jewish exegetical method led to the investigation of the Torah), and specifically notes that corresponding to the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh had embroidered a golden Toro. Same as that of Judah was embroidered a lion, hence the term "lion of Judah ." These symbols, we can say, from when Jacob blesses his sons before he died (in Egypt) and related in Gen. 49, 9: " lion cub, Judah ..." and in the same chapter, verse 22 reads: "Joseph is a bull, a steer toward the source ..."

said, too, that the episode of the golden calf was not a specific event or isolated in the history of Israel since last time, after about 300 years since the Exodus from Egypt (around 1220 BC approx.), there was another episode of similar characteristics.
occurred after the death of Solomon (931 BC) and as a consequence of idolatry rearward wise king, or at least permitted by him to his "... 700 wives and 300 concubines ..." his harem (1 Kings . 11, 3), coupled with the heavy taxes that oppressed the people, for the construction of the Temple and palace maintenance, almost all the tribes of Israel revolted against his son and successor Rehoboam (931-913 BC), which only seconded by the people of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, settling in southern Israel and establishing the court in Jerusalem, to be renamed the Kingdom of Judah (this episode is recounted in 1 Re 12, 16 et seq.) The rest of the tribes, who settled north of the territory, forming the Kingdom of Israel, chose Jeroboam as king (931-910 BC), Ephraimite, tax collector of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh in the time of Solomon. Before being elected king in Solomon's life and differences with him, he fled to Egypt where he married the sister of Pharaoh Sheshonq I (945-924 a, C.), this Pharaoh, known as Shishak in the Bible or SESAC, took and sacked Jerusalem in 925 BC and took the treasures of the Temple and Palace of Solomon, Rehoboam his son reigned. (2Chron 12, 9)

To prevent the people go to Jerusalem to worship Yahweh and the Ark of the Covenant and what is most important, the payment of tithes of all products that the people should give to the church, clergy organized Jeroboam particular e " made two golden calves and said to people:" Enough of up to Jerusalem. This is your god, O Israel, who brought you up from the land of Egypt. He put one of the calves Bethel and the other in Dan ... " ( 1 Re 12, 28-30)
idolatrous These facts did not become extinct with the death of Jeroboam, and that remained unchanged over time. During the reign of King Omri of Israel (886-875 BC) states that: "... in central place of worship in Samaria was already a golden idol in the form of a bull, which Jeroboam had set up as an image of worship for Jews. "(4)
The cult of the calves continued until the demise of the kingdom of Israel, and its conversion into Assyrian province by Shalmaneser V in 722 BC, refusing to pay taxes and ask for help Egypt Hosea (730-722 BC), last king of Israel, who was blinded and taken captive to Assyria, together with most of the population was deported and replaced by Aramaic and Chaldean. This mass deportation tribes got diluted among the Assyrians, so that henceforth they were called " Ten Lost Tribes of Israel ." As punishment
suffered Zedekiah king of Judah (597-587 BC), for the same reason to ally with Egypt and refuse to pay the taxes levied by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II (630-562 BC) who ordered that: " bound the king and led the king of Babylon, Riblah, and sentenced him. Zedekiah's sons were slaughtered in his presence, Zedekiah his eyes put out, and loaded with fetters, carried him to Babylon . " (2Rey. 25 ,6-8). Then it says that :"... Nebuzardán, chief guard, servant of the king of Babylon, entered Jerusalem, burned the temple of Yahweh, the royal palace and all the houses of Jerusalem ... "(2 Kings . 25 ,8-10). The destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem occurred in 586 BC, in the nineteenth year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II.
Throughout the entire existence of Israel as a kingdom, there are many statements, the offensive and fight held various prophets against these idolatrous practices of the "Golden Calf ." Among others, we quote the prophet Elijah , who lived in the s. IX BC, which is said to be in confrontation with the prophets of Baal: "... came to kill the priests of Baal with his own hands, at the foot of Mount Caramel " (5). The Bible describes it: " And Elijah said:" Seize the prophets of Baal, without letting any escape. " Apresáronlos them, and Elijah brought them to the river Kishon, where beheaded. "(1 Kings, 18 -40) Another prophet
fighting against the idolatry of Israel is Amos (c. 750 BC), whose book we realize that there was an earthquake at that time: "... and in the days of Jeroboam II (784 -753 BC), son of Joash, king of Israel, two years before the earthquake ... "(Amos, 1, 1). The prophet encouraged to follow the Lord and predicts otherwise the punishment will be subjected: "... I will avenge the altars of Bethel and will be demolished and the horns of the altar fall to the ground ..." (Amos 3 , 14)
The prophet Hosea (800-725 BC) also preaches against the catastrophic fate of Israel, predicted Amos, and rejects the heresies of Israel: "I reject your calf , Samaria ... and taken captive the day Lord of the calf of Samaria . " (Hosea 8, 5). And hers is the phrase, often repeated, as an example of the consequences of bad behavior: "Well sow the wind, reap the whirlwind ..." (Hosea 8, 7), and later Israel's behavior shocked "And now continue to sin, of its silver works are cast, idols of his invention, the work of all architects. And they run the floor, offer sacrifices. Men kissing the calves! ". (Hosea 12 ,2-3) is followed
Isaiah (eighth century BC) dedicated his ministry to speak out against the abominations of Israel: "... but Israel does not know, my people do not know ... ( Isa, 1, 3). The wicked, sinners, all to be broken, the defectors will be annihilated Lord "(Isa, 1, 28) while also rails against the Samaritans labeling them drunk," And they stagger from wine and spirits hesitate. Priests and prophets stagger for liquors, drown in wine ... "(Isa, 28 ,7-8). All this happened under the reign of Manasseh (king of Judah 697-642 BC), against whom also faced by Assyrian cults allow and tolerate, even in the temple of Jerusalem. They say she died sawed in half. According to legend, Isaiah, trying to escape the wrath of Manasseh, hid in a hollow tree and Manasseh ordered the tree cut inside Isaiah. In this event seems to be referred to in (Hebrews 11, 37). In Isaiah we find perhaps the first description of the roundness of the Earth: "It is The sitteth upon the circle of the earth " (Isa, 40, 22). This concept was disclosed later by the Greek philosopher Anaximander (610-545 BC)
Another interesting character, which also reveals such idolatry is Tobias, who was held captive in Nineveh, the Assyrian king in times Senaqerib (705 - 681 BC), who relates in his book, he confesses his father Tobit and highlights the cults practiced by his people: "When I was young (says his father), lived in my homeland in the land of Israel, and the whole tribe of Naphtali, my father had departed from the temple of Jerusalem ... All the tribes, which had an apostate, sacrificed to Baal, the calf, and also the house of Naphtali my father. "(Tob, 1, 4-6 )
And finally, there is the suspicion that certain practices of paganism remained in force in Samaria, Jesus times, although during the Babylonian exile, the Israelite people, and after the return of the , priests strove to unify the worship and belief in one God, Yahweh. There is a significant fact that recounts the evangelist Matthew, which demonstrates the existence of certain idolatry, perhaps residual, when Jesus sends the apostles and gives them the quality of healing, reviving, healing lepers etc. but advised: " These twelve Jesus sent, making the following recommendations: Do not go to the Gentiles or Samaritans penetréis in town, go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel ..." (Mat, 10 ,5-6) Spacious and abundant
are also references in the Bible are the cherubim ( Kerub Sumerian), those winged bulls androcéfalos I described in my first article on this topic, aimed was to serve guardians of temples, palaces and shrines, used in everything " the Fertile Crescent." This is evident that the Hebrew people familiar with the bull, was as common as settled.
Without going into details, there is the presumption that they were cherubim or winged bulls androcéfalos, that God "... stood before the garden of Eden a cherub wielding flaming sword to keep the way of the tree of life " . (Gen, 3, 24), or the two cherubim that God commanded Moses to make, of solid gold, to put them above the mercy seat, the lid of the Ark of the Covenant: " thou shalt also two cherubim of solid gold, you shall make the two ends of the mercy: do the first cherub on one end and the second in the other. The cherubim form a body with the mercy, at both ends . "(Ex 25 ,18-21), and ordered the same mandate to build the tabernacle:" ... ten curtains of fine twined linen, of blue and purple and scarlet and crimson embroidery cherubim "(Ex. 26 ,1-2).
Solomon also "Made in the sanctuary two cherubim of olive wood, ten cubits high (each). Five cubits was the length of a wing and five on the other , ... (1 elbow = 45 cm.) ... also covered the cherubim with gold ... "you put in the enclosure inside the Temple of Jerusalem, and the same figure was carved, and be of the same metal, in the swing doors of the temple. (1Re. 6 ,23-30)

Baptismal S. Bartolomé de Liège ................. Pila Mormon Church Salt Lake, Utah

But most spectacular was built by Solomon in the temple of Jerusalem was called " Mar bronze, cast in the metal by a craftsman from Tyre," ... round of 10 cubits diameter, and 5 high, with capacity of 2,000 baths ... "(1 Beat = 37 liters), which states:" It supported on twelve oxen, three facing north, three facing west, three facing south and three looking to the east, the Sea was on them, leaving their backs into the .... (7 1Re. ,23-27). In addition it was adorned with "a cord thirty cubits encircled around the ... decorated with two rows of figures of bulls, ten for each side ...". (2 Chron 4, 2-3)
The source of the lions of the Alhambra in Granada is inspired by this source Jerusalemite.
Plácido González Hermoso.
1 .- Federico Lara Peinado, "Sumerian Hymns," page 25. Edicc. Tecnos
2 .- Federico Lara Peinado, "Babylonian Hymns", p.7. Edicc. Tecnos
3 .- Manfred Claus, "Ancient Israel", p.16. Edicc. 2001 Accent
4 .- Idem, p.58.
5 .- Idem, pag.61.
6 .- Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomason. The Rule of Four. Rock Ed 2004
Vulgate Bible, Ed Ocean
Bible "Shell-Colunga, Ed BAC


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