Sunday, October 11, 2009

Waxing Cause Skin Tag

Man has always been a consumer. At other times simply satisfying their natural needs. Now the man has created a series of habits and lifestyles that lead you to eat for the pleasure of eating.


The concept of consumer society is linked to the capitalist market economy and therefore their views and cultural foundations are governed by the market. People are considered as the mass of consumers who can influence their wishes and needs created by advertising.

Thus establishing consumer society that we know is characterized by:

Being a product of capitalism and service industry is trying to extend their products to everyone. The most important thing for the system is that most people become irrational consumers. Every time there are more goods and cheaper it is necessary to sell to be profitable. Society is overproduction.

middle class sector is the most influential people for the dissemination of values, lifestyles and consumption society.

consumption has resulted in consumerism, ie, beyond hope for a more comfortable life is lived social anxiety by having more and more. Is more valued the good that is not one that we have that as our own.

is talk of welfare society, which guarantees a certain quality of life for most people.

society is the waste , short-lived products, there are a lot of garbage and wastes energy.

The city is a model of coexistence, is the market of consumer society, consumer showcase, synonymous with progress.

Leisure is an increasingly common aspect. It takes time to buy.

Advertising sets the tone of common use for everyone. Continually create new needs and luxuries.

The media stereotypes are generated and spread (on how to talk, think, dress, interact). Constantly encourages people to excel, to climb the social ladder and approach the ruling class and thus enjoy all the benefits offered by the system.

basic consumer unit is the family .

Consumerism driver is an agent of society. The people believed to have free choice, but in reality is tied to fashion, the new and the novelty imposed by the market.

is a reality and the levels that have reached their development is impressive and on the other levels you can achieve in the future is unpredictable.

BAD WHAT STYLE ties of the consumer society?

Critics of the consumer society are not new. For over thirty years René Dumont, spoke of "wasteful society." He believed that society was destroying civilization and the planet and also the lifestyle of the First World must change, not only as a threat to the survival of humanity, but to be deeply unjust and immoral, the condemn most of the peoples of the world to backwardness and poverty. Although at the time his ideas were echoed and went out of fashion, it is curious that his diagnosis was renewed today.

Society Consumer fascinates us under words such as "quality of life," "personal fulfillment", "success" and the like. But in truth are just a showcase to hide another reality, the excessive veneration of his real idol money.

In this society often find tremendous contradiction of the joint existence of those who have access to all types of goods and are never satisfied and those who can not meet their basic needs.

Worst of all is that the process of concentration of wealth is growing steadily as a result of the global economic system imperative, with its devastating effect on the natural ecosystem and most human populations. Has created a tremendous and unbridgeable gap between the possibilities of the developed countries and the poor conditions of poverty and misery that bear much of the world's countries.

To understand the maldistribution of wealth in the world serve the following examples:

The wealth of the 200 richest people in the world reaches a trillion dollars, a figure that exceeds the combined annual income of 3000 million poorest people in the world.

richest countries with 10% of world population collected 60% of global GDP.

30% of the rich raises 90% of global GDP, which means that the remaining 70% of the world's population survives on only 10% of total world GDP.

can not longer maintain the development of the few on the backs of the majority. At the end of the planet Earth is not the private property of any country, let alone any corporation or company. It is the habitat common legacy for all species ... including the human population.



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