Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Best Real Groping Clips

That is the contract fixed term? It means to be hired to run? I belong on termination? This and other common concerns, then try to be clear.

This contract is characterized, as its name suggests, having a certain and specific time duration. Many Sometimes this type of contract is used to prevent indefinite contract, but the law wisely provides a set of requirements for holding the same, that protect the worker against their fraudulent use.

First, we need the written form of this contract and the specification of its duration, but in addition, there must be objective grounds for using this modality. That is, we can not use the fixed-term contract simply because it is, but the task or activity must be justified. Of not having a sufficient reason to use this contract and having concluded, it becomes a time- indeterminado.

Respecto de la duración máxima de un contrato a plazo fijo, la ley establece 5 años pero nuevamente nos encontramos con el requerimiento antes mencionado. Es difícil que tengamos una causal objetiva que justifique un plazo fijo de siquiera 2 años. Asimismo, la utilización sucesiva e injustificada de este contrato, lo convierte a por tiempo indeterminado.


Previo a la extinción, es necesario preavisar. Este preaviso debe darse con un plazo no menor a un (1) mes ni mayor a dos (2). En caso de omisión del preaviso, el contrato a plazo fijo se convierte on indefinitely, unless it is renewed.

This contract has just compensation when it is over-year, and it will be half the usual severance pay. In case of dismissal before the expiry of the period, plus compensation for the art. LCT 245 (if requirements are met), must be paid the wages the employee would have earned if the deadline. Specifically, the letter of the law "... the unfair dismissal provisions before the deadline, will entitle the worker, and corresponding compensation for termination of the contract in such circumstances to damages from the common law, which shall be a direct function of justifying one who claims to have suffered or who, for lack of proof, the court set prudently, for the premature termination of the contract alone .



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