Saturday, November 14, 2009

Mississauga Cheap Motels

"The prices of the properties were segmented and now depend on each "Along with the new Monotributo

Hugo Mennella, president of CUCICBA bringing together real estate brokers in the City, explains how the market has changed and what is the role of

entity completed a few months ago be implemented in the city of Buenos Aires College of Realtors Single-CUCICBA, "that President Hugo Mennella.

was an outstanding bill for nine years, when by National Law 25028 created the Public Auctioneer career. Since 2007, through a decree, he formed the committee to organize the company and finally the July 15, 2009 was launched.

"The province of Buenos Aires and had his school and this building was important to bring together runners registered," said Mennella to Thus, for four months, you can not practice the profession without being registered.

In this context, the manager gave his opinion on the current real estate activity, where the "global crash" appears to be over and the business of buying, selling and building takes up its dynamics.

"The market is subject to various situations. On the one hand, hit the international crisis, and on the other, there was a field effect, which withdrew from the sale. In addition to political instability and uncertainty people are unable to make decisions, "said Mennella. Anyway

considered that, paradoxically, the country emerged favored in comparison to other places, because those who came to the property did not go into debt, lack of credit, thus maintaining balance.

"People did not have to go out and sell to cover the debts and that kept the price level," said the manager.

The biggest impact was on the value of m2 was segmented by region and quality of housing. "Today the cost is defined as the characteristics of each unit," he said.

Thus, the average reference prices begin to evaporate and each property has its own parameters, but in general, there were no casualties but accommodations in the process of renegotiation.

Menella also anticipated increased real estate activity particularly around 2010, when investor to renegotiate the field he retired, taking into account that higher yields are forecast and liquidity can turn to brick.

As the president said entity will fulfill the role of control professional, providing the defense of the college, advice and representation.



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